Английский язык

What is the modified text of the question?

What is the modified text of the question?
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    Инструкция: To modify the text of the question, we need to rephrase or rewrite the original question while preserving its meaning. The modified text should be expressed in a different way but should convey the same message or concept as the original question. This can be done by using different words, sentence structures, or expressions.

    Дополнительный материал: For example, if the original question is "What is the capital city of France?", a modified version could be "Which city serves as the capital of France?" or "What city is considered the capital of France?"

    Совет: When modifying a question, it is important to ensure that the modified text still accurately reflects the original question"s intent. Pay attention to any specific keywords or phrases in the original question that need to be included or rephrased appropriately. Additionally, consider the level of complexity appropriate for the intended audience. If the question is intended for younger students, it may be necessary to simplify the language or use more familiar terms.

    Дополнительное задание: Modify the following question: "What is the formula for calculating the area of a rectangle?"
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