Changing Direct Questions into Indirect Ones
Английский язык

Read the mini-dialogues and change the direct questions into indirect ones. Fill in the gaps in the answers with

Read the mini-dialogues and change the direct questions into indirect ones. Fill in the gaps in the answers with appropriate words. 0. - Where does your family usually stay on holiday? - Could you let me know where your family usually stays on holiday? _ - It depends. It can be a hotel or a rented room. It can be difficult to find accommodation when you are on holiday. 1. How do you prefer to travel? - - By train. It's comfortable and doesn't take too much time. For instance, my journey from Moscow to St. Petersburg only takes 4 hours. 2. - Why are you smiling? - - I'm always in a good mood - I'm a very cheerful person. 3.
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  • Strekoza
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    Theme: Changing Direct Questions into Indirect Ones

    Объяснение: When we change direct questions into indirect ones, we transform the question from direct speech to reported speech. This is done by using reporting verbs such as "asked," "wondered," or "wanted to know." The word order also changes, and question words like "where," "how," or "why" are replaced with if/whether, when, or why.

    0. - Где ваша семья обычно останавливается на отдыхе? - Можете ли вы сообщить мне, где ваша семья обычно останавливается на отдыхе? - Зависит. Может быть отель или арендованная комната. Бывает сложно найти жилье, когда вы в отпуске.
    1. Как вы предпочитаете путешествовать? - - На поезде. Это удобно и не занимает много времени. Например, мое путешествие из Москвы в Санкт-Петербург занимает всего 4 часа.
    2. - Почему ты улыбаешься? - - Я всегда в хорошем настроении.

    Совет: When changing direct questions into indirect ones, pay attention to the reporting verbs used. Different reporting verbs can give different meanings or shades of meaning in the reported question. Also, remember to change the verb tense if necessary.

    Задание: Translate the following direct question into an indirect one: "Когда ты вернулся домой?"
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