Выберите правильные слова
Английский язык

Grammar check Unit 1: Choose the right words. A challenging existence: Oliver Twist was the last book we studied

Grammar check Unit 1: Choose the right words.
A challenging existence: Oliver Twist was the last book we studied in school. It tells the story of a boy named Oliver who grew up as an orphan - he didn"t have any parents or relatives. He resided in a specific place reserved for impoverished individuals, and his life there was extremely difficult. While I enjoyed the narrative, I felt that the book was excessively lengthy and had an abundance of characters. In class, we also viewed a film adaptation of the story, which I found easier to comprehend than the book! The most well-known part of the story is when Oliver
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  • Yascherica
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    Тема занятия:Проверка грамматики Unit 1: Выберите правильные слова.
    Пояснение: Предложение имеет некоторые грамматические ошибки, которые нужно исправить. В предложении используются неправильные формы глаголов, неправильное использование местоимений и другие грамматические ошибки. Чтобы исправить эти ошибки, нужно внимательно прочитать предложение и заменить неправильные слова.

    Дополнительный материал: A challenging existence: Oliver Twist was the last book we studied in school. It tells the story of a boy named Oliver who grew up as an orphan - he didn"t have any parents or relatives. He lived in a specific place reserved for impoverished individuals, and his life there was extremely difficult. While I enjoyed the narrative, I felt that the book was excessively long and had many characters. In class, we also watched a film adaptation of the story, which I found easier to understand than the book! The most well-known part...

    Совет: Для правильного выбора слов прочитайте предложение внимательно и обратите внимание на время, число и правильное использование глаголов, формы прилагательных и определений, а также на правильное использование местоимений и союзов.

    Задача на проверку: Вставьте правильное слово в следующее предложение: "She _____ swimming after school." (like/likes)
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