Английский язык

and fill in the blanks in the text 1-8 with parts of sentences A-H. An unhealthy ruler In the distant past, there

, and fill in the blanks in the text 1-8 with parts of sentences A-H. An unhealthy ruler In the distant past, there resided a king who was benevolent and compassionate. However, the people were dissatisfied with their ruler as he was excessively indolent, focusing solely on eating and sleeping. Suddenly, he discovered that he could no longer move his body, specifically his foot. Consequently, he became extremely overweight and his adversaries 1) . In a bid to seek a remedy, he summoned specialized physicians from different regions of his kingdom and promised them substantial rewards 2) . Regrettably, none of the doctors were able to assist the king in regaining his wellbeing and physical fitness. Nevertheless, one pleasant morning
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  • Morskoy_Skazochnik
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    Тема вопроса: Заполнение пропусков в тексте

    Описание: В далеком прошлом жил король, который был благодушен и милостив. Однако люди были недовольны своим правителем, так как он был чрезмерно ленивым, сосредоточивался исключительно на еде и сне. Внезапно он обнаружил, что больше не может двигать свое тело, в частности свою ногу. В результате он стал чрезмерно полным, и его противники 1) . В поисках лекарства он вызвал специализированных врачей из разных регионов своего королевства и обещал им значительные награды.

    Дополнительный материал: Заполните пропуски в тексте, выбрав подходящую часть предложения из вариантов A-H:

    1) C. began plotting against him
    2) E. in order to cure his condition
    3) G. for finding a solution to his problem
    4) B. of his own inactivity
    5) F. to his enormous surprise
    6) A. to find a cure for his immobility
    7) H. to whoever could cure him
    8) D. if they could help him

    Совет: Перед заполнением пропусков в тексте, внимательно прочитайте предложения, чтобы понять контекст и логическую последовательность истории. Попробуйте подобрать части предложений, которые наиболее релевантны для дальнейшего развития сюжета. Сравните каждый вариант ответа с предложениями и выберите самый подходящий вариант.

    Ещё задача: Заполните пропуски соответствующими частями предложений A-H:

    An unhealthy ruler
    In the distant past, there resided a king who was benevolent and compassionate. However, the people were dissatisfied with their ruler as he was excessively indolent, focusing solely on eating and sleeping. Suddenly, he discovered that he could no longer move his body, specifically his foot. Consequently, he became extremely overweight and his adversaries ___1)___.
    In a bid to seek a remedy, he summoned specialized physicians from different regions of his kingdom and promised them substantial rewards ___2)___.

    A. in order to cure his immobility
    B. of his own inactivity
    C. began plotting against him
    D. if they could help him
    E. so he could find a cure
    F. to his enormous surprise
    G. for finding a solution to his problem
    H. to whoever could cure him
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