Past Simple vs Past Perfect
Английский язык

1) When she had written her letter of application, she sent it. 2) The teacher didn t let her do the exam because when

1) When she had written her letter of application, she sent it.
2) The teacher didn"t let her do the exam because when she arrived, the exam had already started.
3) He unlocked the door and stepped inside.
4) Before today"s conversation, I hadn"t spoken to the boss.
5) When the wind blew, the leaves on the trees shook.
6) They didn"t want to see the film again because they had already seen it twice.
7) They weren"t hungry because they had eaten.
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    Past Simple vs Past Perfect


    1) "When she had written her letter of application, she sent it."

    The use of the past perfect tense ("had written") indicates that the letter was completed before she sent it. The past simple tense ("sent") is used to express the action that immediately followed the completion of the letter.

    2) "The teacher didn"t let her do the exam because when she arrived, the exam had already started."

    In this sentence, the past perfect tense ("had already started") is used to indicate that the action of the exam starting took place before the arrival of the person. The past simple tense ("arrived") is used to describe the subsequent action.

    3) "He unlocked the door and stepped inside."

    Both actions ("unlocked" and "stepped") happened in the past, so the past simple tense is used for both.

    4) "Before today"s conversation, I hadn"t spoken to the boss."

    The past perfect tense ("hadn"t spoken") is used to express an action that was completed before another past action or event ("today"s conversation").

    5) "When the wind blew, the leaves on the trees shook."

    The past simple tense ("blew" and "shook") is used to describe simultaneous actions in the past.

    6) "They didn"t want to see the film again because they had already seen it twice."

    The past perfect tense ("had already seen") is used to express an action that was completed before another past action ("didn"t want to see").

    7) "They weren"t hungry because they had eaten."

    The past perfect tense ("had eaten") is used to indicate that the action of eating took place before another past action ("weren"t hungry").

    Дополнительный материал:

    Please rewrite the following sentences by choosing the correct tense:

    1) She (finish) her work before she (leave) the office.
    2) By the time they (arrive), the concert (start).
    3) I (not see) him since last year.


    To better understand the difference between the past simple and past perfect tenses, it is helpful to pay attention to the chronological order of events. The past perfect tense is used for an action that happened before another past action, while the past simple tense is used for actions that happened in chronological order or simultaneously.


    Rewrite the following sentences using the past perfect tense:

    1) He __________ (already leave) by the time we arrived.
    2) She __________ (finish) her homework before dinner.
    3) They __________ (not see) each other for years.
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