Заполнение пропусков в словах
Английский язык

1. Letters are received there first by you? (10 букв) 2. Are they providing pleasant meals there? (10 букв) 3

1. Letters are received there first by you? (10 букв)
2. Are they providing pleasant meals there? (10 букв)
3. Can a play be observed there? (7 букв)
4. A tall building that contains multiple apartments? (12 букв)
5. Can something to read be purchased there? (8 букв)
6. Can you park your car there to play? (7 букв)
7. Can something to wear be purchased there? (11 букв)
8. Can you go there when you are ill? (8 букв)
9. A place where you can pay to spend the night? (5 букв)
10. A place that offers hot and cold drinks and snacks? (4 буквы)
11. A large store that sells a variety of things? (15 букв)
12. Can you see breathtaking scenery there?
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  • Пётр_3951
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    Тема вопроса: Заполнение пропусков в словах

    1. Letters are received there first by you? (10 букв) - Почтамт.
    2. Are they providing pleasant meals there? (10 букв) - Ресторан.
    3. Can a play be observed there? (7 букв) - Театр.
    4. A tall building that contains multiple apartments? (12 букв) - Многоэтажка.
    5. Can something to read be purchased there? (8 букв) - Книжный.
    6. Can you park your car there to play? (7 букв) - Парковка.
    7. Can something to wear be purchased there? (11 букв) - Магазин.
    8. Can you go there when you are ill? (8 букв) - Больница.
    9. A place where you can pay to spend the night? (5 букв) - Отель.
    10. A place that offers hot and cold drinks and snacks? (4 буквы) - Кафе.
    11. A large store that sells a variety of things? - Универмаг.

    Совет: Чтобы лучше запомнить эти слова, рекомендуется составить с ними предложения или ассоциации, чтобы увидеть их в контексте. Также полезно будет просмотреть их изображения или посетить эти места, если возможно.

    Задача на проверку: Составьте предложения, используя каждое из слов, чтобы показать их значения в контексте.
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