Английский язык

1) Frank has completed his homework and listened to music. 2) The children have stored their toys, but they haven

1) Frank has completed his homework and listened to music.
2) The children have stored their toys, but they haven't made their beds yet.
3) Jim has gained a lot of knowledge since he started the language course.
4) Fatima has finished her lunch and went out to play.
5) They haven't seen each other since September when they met at Mary's party.
6) Ryan purchased a new mp3 player yesterday, but I haven't seen it yet.
7) The hockey player bumped his head on Friday, and he was inside.
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  • Zhuchka_1616
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    Present Perfect: Completed Actions and Unfinished Actions Explanation:

    Present Perfect tense is used to talk about actions that are completed or unfinished in the present. In these examples, Present Perfect is used to convey information about past actions in relation to the present moment.

    1) Frank has completed his homework and listened to music.
    - Frank уже выполнил свою домашнюю работу и послушал музыку.

    2) The children have stored their toys, but they haven't made their beds yet.
    - Дети уже убрали свои игрушки, но они еще не заправили кровати.

    3) Jim has gained a lot of knowledge since he started the language course.
    - Джим приобрел много знаний с тех пор, как он начал курс языка.

    4) Fatima has finished her lunch and went out to play.
    - Фатима закончила обед и пошла играть.

    5) They haven't seen each other since September when they met at Mary's party.
    - Они не видели друг друга с сентября, когда встретились на вечеринке Мэри.

    6) Ryan purchased a new mp3 player yesterday, but I haven't seen it yet.
    - Райан купил новый mp3-плеер вчера, но я еще не видел его.

    7) The hockey player bumped his head on Friday, and he was inside.
    - Хоккеист ударился головой в пятницу и был внутри.

    Теперь ты должен написать, что каждый школьник сделал (скажите про этих школьников, используя "have" и "finish" или "not finish"):

    1) John and Jane _____ their homework.
    2) Tim _____ the dishes, but he _____ the garbage yet.
    3) Lisa _____ her breakfast, but she _____ her teeth yet.

    To better understand the distinction between completed and unfinished actions, pay attention to the usage of "have" and "has" with past participles (e.g. completed, listened, stored, etc.). Also, consider the time markers (e.g. since September, yesterday) that indicate when the actions or events took place.

    Now, form sentences using Present Perfect tense to describe the following situations:

    1) Anna / finish / her project.
    2) The students / not complete / the assignment yet.
    3) We / visit / that museum before.
    4) He / read / three books this month.
    5) The cat / knock over / the vase recently.
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