Препозиции в английском языке
Английский язык

1. Complete the sentences by using the correct preposition. It s fine. Don t worry about the clients. 1. Our flight

1. Complete the sentences by using the correct preposition. It"s fine. Don"t worry about the clients.
1. Our flight is on the first of February at six o"clock.
2. I usually arrive at 7.30 in the morning.
3. He works in a bank from Monday to Friday. She is not working at the moment.
4. You should not make personal calls at work.
5. I receive a lot of messages from our clients.
6. I occasionally have lunch at a restaurant.
7. What a surprise! There has been a decrease in the cost of living.
8. There is a high demand for the company"s products.
9. Unfortunately, there is no solution to this problem, I"m afraid.
10. In most cultures, executives expect punctuality from their employees.
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  • Ягуар
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    Предмет вопроса: Препозиции в английском языке

    Пояснение: Препозиции - это часть речи, которая используется для указания отношений между различными элементами в предложении. В английском языке препозиции играют важную роль при указании места, времени, направления, обстоятельств и других отношений. В данном случае, вам предлагается завершить предложения, используя правильные препозиции.

    1. It"s fine. Don"t worry about the clients.
    2. Our flight is on the first of February at six o"clock.
    3. I usually arrive at 7.30 in the morning.
    4. He works in a bank from Monday to Friday. She is not working at the moment.
    5. You should not make personal calls at work.
    6. I receive a lot of messages from our clients.
    7. I occasionally have lunch at a restaurant.
    8. What a surprise! There has been a decrease in the cost of living.
    9. There is a high demand for the company"s products.
    10. Unfortunately, there is no solution to this.

    Совет: Чтобы лучше освоить употребление препозиций в английском языке, рекомендуется читать много текстов на английском языке, обращая внимание на употребление препозиций в различных контекстах.

    Практика: Завершите предложение, используя правильную препозицию:
    I"m going to the store _ buy some groceries.
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