1. Why does the author compare the arrests of the 1930s and 1940s at the beginning of the story? What distinguished former front-line soldiers from

1. Why does the author compare the arrests of the 1930s and 1940s at the beginning of the story? What distinguished

1. Why does the author compare the arrests of the 1930s and 1940s at the beginning of the story? What distinguished former front-line soldiers from other prisoners?
2. How did the experience of war affect Major Pugachev"s comrades?
3. How did the prisoners behave during the escape?
4. Why were there no injured prisoners in the hospital? Why was Soldatov being treated?
5. What feeling remains after reading the story?
Верные ответы (2):
  • Ярослава
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    1. Why does the author compare the arrests of the 1930s and 1940s at the beginning of the story? What distinguished former front-line soldiers from other prisoners?

    Инструкция: The author compares the arrests of the 1930s and 1940s at the beginning of the story to highlight the different groups of prisoners and the context in which they were imprisoned. During the 1930s, many people were arrested as part of Stalin"s purges, where political opponents and innocent civilians were imprisoned. In the 1940s, during World War II, there were also mass arrests, but these primarily targeted former front-line soldiers who were seen as potential threats due to their combat experience.

    Former front-line soldiers were distinguished from other prisoners by their military background and combat experience. They had the knowledge and skills that made them potentially dangerous to the Soviet regime. The authorities believed that these soldiers could inspire rebellions or organized protests against the government. As a result, they were treated differently and received harsher punishments compared to other prisoners.

    Демонстрация: Compare and contrast the arrests of the 1930s and 1940s, focusing on the different groups targeted in each period and the reasons behind these arrests.

    Совет: To fully understand the comparison and its significance, it would be helpful to research the historical context of Stalin"s purges and the treatment of former soldiers during the war. This will provide a deeper understanding of the motivations behind these actions and the impact they had on individuals.

    Ещё задача: Explain the main differences in the treatment and perception of former front-line soldiers and other prisoners during the 1930s and 1940s, giving examples from the story to support your answer.
  • Космический_Путешественник
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    Задача 1: Почему автор сравнивает аресты 1930-х и 1940-х годов в начале истории? Чем отличались бывшие фронтовики от других заключенных?

    Пояснение: Автор сравнивает аресты 1930-х и 1940-х годов, чтобы показать разницу в отношении к заключенным бывших фронтовиков и других заключенных. В 1930-е годы, многие солдаты, которые вернулись с фронта, были арестованы по вымышленным обвинениям и признаны врагами народа. Эти аресты были политического характера и были сделаны для устрашения населения. В отличие от них, аресты в 1940-е годы были более обоснованы, так как страна была в состоянии войны и проводила всенародную мобилизацию. Бывшие фронтовики были арестованы из-за бегства из-под командования или по подозрению в измене. Они отличались от других заключенных тем, что имели опыт сражений на фронте и многие из них получили награды за храбрость.

    Например: В начале рассказа автор сравнивает аресты в 1930-е и 1940-е годы и объясняет, что бывшие фронтовики отличались от других заключенных своим военным опытом и наградами за храбрость.

    Совет: Чтобы лучше понять различия между арестами в разные периоды, рекомендуется ознакомиться с историческим контекстом этих времен. Изучение исторических источников и мемуаров поможет вам получить более глубокое понимание этой темы.

    Дополнительное упражнение: Какие основные различия можно найти в сравнении арестов 1930-х и 1940-х годов?
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