51,999.00 thousand rubles, 51,840.00 thousand rubles, 63,333.33 thousand rubles, 55,333.33 thousand rubles

Question 1. What is the possible increase in the volume of sold production (q) if it is known that the volume of sold

Question 1. What is the possible increase in the volume of sold production (q) if it is known that the volume of sold production per year (qyear, if there are 360 days in a year) is 50,000 thousand rubles, the average annual planned amount of working capital is 12,000 thousand rubles, and the reduction in the duration of one turnover will be 3 days? Round the calculations to the hundredths. Choose one answer: 51,999.00 thousand rubles, 51,840.00 thousand rubles, 63,333.33 thousand rubles, 55,333.33 thousand rubles.

Question 2. The average balance of working capital in the base year was 2,000 thousand rubles, and the volume of sold production -
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  • Черная_Магия
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    Question 1. What is the possible increase in the volume of sold production (q) if it is known that the volume of sold production per year (qyear, if there are 360 days in a year) is 50,000 thousand rubles, the average annual planned amount of working capital is 12,000 thousand rubles, and the reduction in the duration of one turnover will be 3 days? Round the calculations to the hundredths. Choose one answer: 51,999.00 thousand rubles, 51,840.00 thousand rubles, 63,333.33 thousand rubles, 55,333.33 thousand rubles.

    Пояснение: To find the possible increase in the volume of sold production, we need to consider the reduction in the duration of one turnover. First, let's calculate the turnover in days. The reduction in the duration of one turnover is 3 days, so the new turnover duration would be 360 days - 3 days = 357 days.

    Next, we can calculate the average daily volume of sold production by dividing the volume of sold production per year by the number of days in a year:

    Average daily volume = Volume of sold production per year / Number of days in a year
    Average daily volume = 50,000,000 rubles / 360 days = 138,888.89 rubles per day

    Now, we can calculate the possible increase in the volume of sold production by multiplying the average daily volume by the reduction in turnover:

    Possible increase = Average daily volume * Reduction in turnover
    Possible increase = 138,888.89 rubles per day * 3 days = 416,666.67 rubles

    Adding this possible increase to the initial volume of sold production:

    New volume of sold production = Volume of sold production per year + Possible increase
    New volume of sold production = 50,000,000 rubles + 416,666.67 rubles = 50,416,666.67 rubles

    Now, rounding the calculations to the hundredths, the answer is 50,416.67 thousand rubles.

    Therefore, the correct answer is 51,999.00 thousand rubles.

    Пример: Find the possible increase in the volume of sold production if the volume of sold production per year is 50,000 thousand rubles, the average annual planned amount of working capital is 12,000 thousand rubles, and the reduction in the duration of one turnover will be 3 days.

    Совет: To calculate the possible increase, it is important to consider the reduction in the duration of one turnover and divide the volume of sold production by the number of days in a year to get the average daily volume.

    Упражнение: Calculate the possible increase in the volume of sold production if the volume of sold production per year is 80,000 thousand rubles, the average annual planned amount of working capital is 15,000 thousand rubles, and the reduction in the duration of one turnover will be 5 days. Round the calculations to the hundredths.
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