Branch of astronomy that studies the structure of the Universe and the processes occurring
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1) What is the branch of astronomy that studies the structure of the Universe and the processes occurring in it called?

1) What is the branch of astronomy that studies the structure of the Universe and the processes occurring in it called?
a) cosmogony
b) cosmology
c) astronautics
d) astrophysics

2) Match the terms given by letters with the definitions given by numbers:
a) Universe
b) Metagalaxy
c) Galaxy
d) Stellar system
1) Non-stationary, constantly evolving, expanding system without a center of expansion
2) Material system, boundless and developing in time
3) Rotating system with a powerful non-thermal radiation source (not associated with heated gas)
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    Branch of astronomy that studies the structure of the Universe and the processes occurring in it: cosmology. Cosmology is a branch of astronomy that focuses on understanding the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe as a whole, including the study of galaxies, stars, planets, dark matter, and dark energy.

    Пример: What is the branch of astronomy that studies the structure of the Universe and the processes occurring in it? (Answer: cosmology)

    Совет: To better understand cosmology, it would be helpful to have a basic understanding of astronomy and physics. It is also important to stay updated with the latest discoveries and theories in the field, as cosmology is a rapidly evolving field of study. Exploring resources such as books, scientific journals, and online lectures can provide valuable insights into the subject.

    Match the terms given by letters with the definitions given by numbers:
    a) Universe
    b) Metagalaxy
    c) Galaxy
    d) Stellar system
    1) Non-stationary, constantly evolving, expanding system without a center of expansion.
    2) Material system, boundless and developing in time.
    3) Rotating system with a powerful non-thermal radiation source (not associated with heated).

    a) Universe - 1) Non-stationary, constantly evolving, expanding system without a center of expansion.
    b) Metagalaxy - 2) Material system, boundless and developing in time.
    c) Galaxy - 3) Rotating system with a powerful non-thermal radiation source (not associated with heated).
    d) Stellar system - This option was not provided.

    Практика: What is the difference between cosmology and astrophysics? (Answer using at least 3 key points)
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