Выражение суффиксов в словах
Английский язык

Which lexical options from the given ones in parentheses are correct in the following sentences? 1. The

Which lexical options from the given ones in parentheses are correct in the following sentences? 1. The old man muttered a few words to himself. Nobody understood what he said. 2. It was a gripping story, and we all wanted to hear its ending. 3. He pushed against the door with his shoulder and opened it. 4. The new novel is being published this month. It will be sold in 10000 copies. 5. They gave her a book as a reward for her kindness. 6. The farm lay three miles from the sea. 7. I like a little cream in my coffee. - Do you take low-fat cream? IV Using the suffixes -er, -ingl, -ly, -ment, -ous, -tion and prefixes pop-, un-, form derivatives from the words and fill them into the sentences. 1. Opinions about religion are very different at the moment. education 2. Unfortunately, the film turned out to be extremely boring and depressive. bore 3. Our meetings were mostly devoted to discussing the recent school events and plans for the future. monthly 4. At first the children didn't recognize their uncle Robert and thought he was a stranger. strange 5. Their phone calls gradually became irregular and soon the two friends stopped phoning each other. regular 6. Will's ideas are often unrealistic, so nobody thinks that they can be put into life. realistic 7. The music gives me fascination like nothing else on earth. 8. Learning to read is an important development in a child's life. event
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  • Baronessa
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    Тема: Выражение суффиксов в словах

    Пояснение: Суффиксы -er, -ing, -ly, -ment являются очень распространенными в английском языке и используются для образования различных частей речи. В данном случае, мы рассматриваем какие из предложенных лексических вариантов, данными суффиксами являются правильными в данных предложениях.

    Пример использования: В следующих предложениях правильно использованы следующие лексические варианты:

    1. The old man muttered a few words to himself. (muttered - глагол, форма причастия прошедшего времени)
    2. It was a gripping story, and we all wanted to hear its ending. (gripping - прилагательное, причастие настоящего времени)
    3. He pushed against the door with his shoulder and opened it. (pushed - глагол, форма причастия прошедшего времени)
    4. The new novel is being published this month. It will be sold in 10,000 copies. (published - глагол, форма причастия настоящего времени; sold - глагол, форма причастия прошедшего времени)
    5. They gave her a book as a reward for her kindness. (reward - существительное, используется как часть выражения 'as a reward')
    6. The farm lay three miles from the sea. (lay - глагол, форма прошедшего времени)
    7. I like a little cream in my coffee. - Do you take low-fat cream? (cream - существительное)

    Совет: Чтобы лучше запомнить правильное использование данных суффиксов, полезно создать список слов, содержащих эти суффиксы, и регулярно повторять их. Также рекомендуется читать и прослушивать английские тексты, чтобы улучшить свою понимание употребления данных суффиксов.

    Задание: Вставьте правильный лексический вариант в следующие предложения:

    1. She is a fast __________ (runner, running, runing, runer).
    2. The __________ (government, governement, goverment, governmment) is responsible for making laws.
    3. He __________ (quickly, quick, quicky, quickely) finished his homework and went out to play.
    4. The __________ (employe, employee, emploee, employeee) of the month received a bonus.
    5. She loves __________ (singly, sing, singing, singgly) in the shower.
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