What are the passive verb forms found in the text in Exercise 2? What is the method for constructing the passive form?
What are the passive verb forms found in the text in Exercise 2? What is the method for constructing the passive form? When is it appropriate to use the passive form? Afterwards, rephrase sentences 1-5 into the passive voice. 1 Special equipment has been used for monitoring the activity of the eagles for months. 2 Several injured eagles have been rescued by volunteers. 3 It is said that no birds have been released into the wild yet by the reserve. 4 The prey had been caught by the eagle by the time recording began. 5 The filming of the eagle chicks during the first days of their lives was not permitted by Experis.
06.08.2024 10:59
Инструкция: Пассивная форма глагола используется, когда подлежащее предложения является объектом действия, а не его источником. В пассивной конструкции, ударение делается на совершаемое действие, а не на того, кто его совершает. В английском языке пассивные формы образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола "to be" и прошедшей или настоящей причастия глагола.
Демонстрация: В данном тексте из упражнения 2 можно найти следующие пассивные формы:
1. Special equipment has been used for monitoring the activity of the eagles for months. (By whom? - не упоминается)
2. Several injured eagles have been rescued by volunteers.
3. It is said that no birds have been released into the wild yet by the reserve.
4. The prey had been caught by the eagle by the time recording began. (By whom? - не упоминается)
5. The filming of the eagle chicks during the first days of their lives (By whom? - не упоминается)
Совет: Для лучшего понимания пассивной конструкции и формирования пассивных форм глагола, рекомендуется изучить причастия глагола и их образование.
Проверочное упражнение: Переформулируйте предложения 1-5, используя пассивный залог.