Заполните предложения
Английский язык

What are the correct answers for the following sentences? 1) Complete the sentences with have got, has got, is, are

What are the correct answers for the following sentences?
1) Complete the sentences with have got, has got, is, are, am or can. Martin and his friends.
2) We 82)
3) Computers.
4) Martin's play more games on his computer.
5) His computer is better than mine.
6) He 84)
7) But | 85)
8) He 86) a better computer.
Верные ответы (1):
  • Barsik
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    Тема: 'Заполните предложения'

    Объяснение: Для заполнения пропусков в предложениях нам понадобятся различные формы глагола 'to be' (is, are, am), глагола 'to have' (have got, has got) и глагол 'can'.

    1) Заполним пропуски в предложениях:
    - Martin and his friends have got a better computer.
    - We are playing games on our computers.
    - Computers are essential for our daily lives.
    - Martin's play can be downloaded on his computer.
    - His computer is more powerful than mine.
    - He is using his computer to watch movies.
    - But we also can use it to study.
    - He has got a better computer now.

    Пример использования:
    Complete the sentences with have got, has got, is, are, am or can.

    1) Martin and his friends have got a better computer.
    2) We are playing games on our computers.
    3) Computers are essential for our daily lives.
    4) Martin's play can be downloaded on his computer.
    5) His computer is more powerful than mine.
    6) He is using his computer to watch movies.
    7) But we also can use it to study.
    8) He has got a better computer now.

    Совет: Чтение и просмотр видеоуроков о глаголах 'to be', 'to have' и 'can' поможет вам понять, как их использовать в предложениях.

    Упражнение: Заполните предложения правильными формами глагола 'to be', 'to have' или 'can'.
    1) I _____________ a new book.
    2) They _____________ good at playing the piano.
    3) She _____________ a big dog.
    4) We _____________ going to the beach tomorrow.
    5) My sister _____________ a funny joke to tell.
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