Unit_3 of the 9th grade English language test
Английский язык

unit_3 of the 9th grade English language test v-i 1. Translate the following into English. 4 points Onions and arrows

unit_3 of the 9th grade English language test v-i 1. Translate the following into English. 4 points Onions and arrows, launch a spacecraft, famous inventor, explore the universe. 2. Select the appropriate words to complete the sentences. 4 points 1. I believe you should apologize (to/for) your words. 2. She has complained (of/for) the low level of service in the hotel. 3. I dreamt (from/about) going to Australia. 4. He couldn’t forgive her (for/of) telling a lie. 3. Fill in the blanks with the derivatives of the words on the right. 3 points 1. Our (civilize) is not the only life form in the
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    Unit_3 of the 9th grade English language test

    1. To translate the given phrases into English, we can use the following translations:
    - Onions and arrows - Лук и стрелы
    - Launch a spacecraft - Запустить космический корабль
    - Famous inventor - Известный изобретатель
    - Explore the universe - Исследовать вселенную

    2. Let's complete the sentences by selecting the appropriate words:
    1. I believe you should apologize for your words. (Я считаю, что тебе следует извиниться за свои слова.)
    2. She has complained of the low level of service in the hotel. (Она пожаловалась на низкий уровень обслуживания в отеле.)
    3. I dreamt of going to Australia. (Я мечтал о поездке в Австралию.)
    4. He couldn’t forgive her for telling a lie. (Он не мог простить ей за то, что она сказала ложь.)

    3. Let's fill in the blanks with the derivatives of the given words:
    1. Our civilization is not the only... (Наша цивилизация не единственная...)

    Translate the phrase "Explore the universe" into English. (Переведите фразу "Исследовать вселенную" на английский язык.)

    To improve your English language skills, it's important to practice regularly. Try to immerse yourself in the language by reading books, watching movies, and listening to music in English. Additionally, make use of online resources and language learning apps to enhance your vocabulary and grammar.

    In the sentence "I dreamt of going to Australia," choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence: "of" or "about". (В предложении "Я мечтал о поездке в Австралию" выберите правильное предлог для завершения предложения: "о" или "об".)
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