Настоящее время (Present Tenses
Английский язык

Test your knowledge of present tenses by choosing the right variant, choosing the proper auxiliary verb, putting

Test your knowledge of present tenses by choosing the right variant, choosing the proper auxiliary verb, putting the verb in brackets in the proper tense form, and translating sentences from English to Russian.

I. Choose the right variant only:
1. How many students are in this group?
2. They are going by bus now.
3. Does he like apple juice?
4. On Sundays, I usually do a lot of housework.
5. Don't disturb him. He is taking a shower.
6. Today, I have received a very interesting invitation.
7. My best friend has visited London several times.
8. I have been learning English for several years.
9. Usually, she spends much time watching TV.
10. It has been raining since early morning today.

II. Choose the proper auxiliary verb:
11. Do you speak French?
12. What is your favorite place in Khabarovsk?
13. There is not any money on the table.
14. Has he translated this article already?
15. Does he like poetry?
16. Our neighbor has been subscribing to this magazine since 1999.
17. You have a younger sister, haven't you?
18. When are you leaving?
19. I have not seen them today.
20. I do not take a cold shower every morning.
21. How long has your mother been working at the university?
22. Is he always late for the lectures?
23. I do not remember his name.
24. The bus is leaving in 5 minutes.
25. My parents have been married for 20 years.

III. Put the verb in brackets in the proper tense form:
26. Don't shout, I hear you quite well.
27. Listen! Somebody is in the next room.
28. He has known her all his life.
29. He has been working at his new novel for two years already.
30. What an awful smell! Somebody is here.
31. I'm so sorry, I broke your favorite cup.
32. The number of students is now.
33. One plus two equals three.
34. I am always glad to see you.
35. The weather, is it going to rain?

IV. Write down the proper tense form of the verbs in brackets as if you were to translate the following sentences from English into Russian:
35. All roads lead to Rome. (lead)
36. I feel homesick. (feel homesick)
37. The team trained all winter until they won a game. (train, win)
38. All's well that ends well. (end)
39. Do you ever think about selling this house? (think)
40. Jeans have been in fashion for over a century. (be in fashion)
41. Nobody knows where he lives. (know, live)
42. The weather has been terrible lately. (be)
43. Have you ever pretended to be sick to avoid going to school? (pretend)
44. I have known her since childhood. (know)
45. Are you asking where he is? As far as I know, he is taking an exam in . (take)

V. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense forms:
46. Do you smoke?
47. How long have you been smoking?
48. I have been smoking since my college days.
49. I have been smoking for almost 5 years.
50. Do you want to give it up?
51. Yes, I plan to stop it very soon.
52. I have decided to do it on my birthday.
53. Where is Donald?
54. He is studying at the library.
55. How long has he been studying there?
56. He studies at the library every day?
Верные ответы (1):
  • Hvostik
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    Тема: Настоящее время (Present Tenses)

    Пояснение: Настоящее время используется для описания действий, которые происходят в настоящем времени или относятся к общим истинам. В этом задании мы будем проверять знание настоящих времен (Present Tenses) путем выбора правильных вариантов, выбора правильного вспомогательного глагола, постановки глагола в скобках в правильной форме времени и перевода предложений с английского на русский язык.

    Пример использования:
    1. How many students are in this group? - Сколько студентов в этой группе?
    2. They are going by bus now. - Они сейчас идут на автобусе.
    3. Does he like apple juice? - Он любит яблочный сок?
    4. On Sundays, I usually do a lot of housework. - По воскресеньям я обычно делаю много домашней работы.
    5. Don't disturb him. He is taking a shower. - Не беспокой его. Он принимает душ.
    6. Today, I have received a very interesting invitation. - Сегодня я получил очень интересное приглашение.
    7. My best friend has visited London several times. - Мой лучший друг несколько раз посещал Лондон.
    8. I have been learning English for several years. - Я изучаю английский уже несколько лет.
    9. [Продолжение предложения не дано в запросе.]

    Cовет: Для лучшего понимания различий между настоящими временами рекомендуется изучить грамматические правила и примеры использования каждого времени. Практика также играет важную роль, поэтому регулярно выполняйте упражнения, чтобы закрепить свои навыки.

    Задание для закрепления: Выберите правильный вариант:
    10. She (does/doing) her homework every day.
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