Simon was walking home from work the other day when he noticed something shining on the other side of the road. There
Simon was walking home from work the other day when he noticed something shining on the other side of the road. There was a car coming down the street, so he waited until it had driven past. Then he crossed over. When he got to the other side, he saw that there was a shiny gold coin on the road! He looked around to make sure nobody was watching him. Then, he bent down to pick it up. Imagine how surprised he was when he couldn"t move it! He was just about to give up when he heard something.
10.12.2023 11:30
Хорошо, вот задача по математике для вас:
Найдите корни квадратного уравнения: x^2 + 5x + 6 = 0.
При решении квадратного уравнения, вы можете использовать методы факторизации, полного квадрата или квадратного корня. Рекомендуется использовать метод полного квадрата, особенно если у вас есть свободный член в уравнении.
Решите квадратное уравнение: 2x^2 - 7x - 15 = 0.