Select the most appropriate sentence from options A-F to fill each gap (1-5). There is one additional sentence
Select the most appropriate sentence from options A-F to fill each gap (1-5). There is one additional sentence. A On her last dive, Jill and her partner encountered powerful currents and had to rely on small handholds in the ice wall to free themselves. B Jill"s trust in technology is one of the factors that allows her to undertake these perilous expeditions. C Not only has she gained recognition for her breathtaking photographs and award-winning documentaries, but she has also set records. D NASA aspires to send this technology to explore the underwater caves of Europa, one of Jupiter"s moons.
15.12.2023 11:17
Explanation: В данной задаче требуется выбрать наиболее подходящее предложение из вариантов A-F, чтобы заполнить каждый пропуск (1-5) в тексте. Задача проверяет умение понимать связь между предложениями и выбирать наиболее логичное продолжение текста.
Example of use:
1. Jill"s trust in technology is one of the factors that allows her to undertake these perilous expeditions.
2. Not only has she gained recognition for her breathtaking photographs and award-winning documentaries, but she has also set records.
3. On her last dive, Jill and her partner encountered powerful currents and had to rely on small handholds in the ice wall to free themselves.
4. NASA aspires to send this technology to explore the underwater caves of Europa, one of Jupiter"s
5. (additional sentence)
Advice: Для решения данной задачи рекомендуется внимательно прочитать текст и определить связь между предложениями. Обратите внимание на логическую последовательность событий и использование союзов и синонимов в предложениях. Также полезно обратить внимание на временные предлоги и лексику, используемую в тексте.
Exercise: Выберите наиболее подходящее предложение для заполнения пропуска.
1. Jill"s trust in technology is one of the factors that allows her to undertake these perilous expeditions.
2. Not only has she gained recognition for her breathtaking photographs and award-winning documentaries, but she has also set records.
3. On her last dive, Jill and her partner encountered powerful currents and had to rely on small handholds in the ice wall to free themselves.
4. NASA aspires to send this technology to explore the underwater caves of Europa, one of Jupiter"s
5. (additional sentence)