Review the first paragraph and provide responses to the subsequent inquiries
Английский язык

Respond! Unit 10 13: Review the first paragraph and provide responses to the subsequent inquiries. Unit 10 14: Reread

Respond! Unit 10 13: Review the first paragraph and provide responses to the subsequent inquiries. Unit 10 14: Reread the initial paragraph, analyze the diagram, and provide responses to the following inquiries. Unit 10 15: Revisit the third paragraph, examine the diagram, and respond to the following inquiries. Unit 10 16: Peruse the final paragraph and provide responses to the subsequent inquiries.
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    Unit 10 13: Review the first paragraph and provide responses to the subsequent inquiries.

    Инструкция: В первом параграфе рассматривается определенная информация, на основе которой нам предлагается дать ответы на ряд вопросов. Чтобы справиться с заданием, мы должны внимательно прочитать первый параграф, выделить ключевые идеи и факты, а затем используя эти сведения написать краткие, но информативные ответы на поставленные вопросы.

    First Paragraph:

    "The dodo bird, native to the island of Mauritius, went extinct in the late 17th century. It was a flightless bird, characterized by its large body size and inability to fly. The dodo bird was discovered by Dutch sailors in 1598, and due to its inability to fly and lack of fear of humans, it quickly became an easy target for hunters. Additionally, the introduction of non-native species to the island, such as dogs, cats, and pigs, further contributed to the decline of the dodo bird population."

    1. When did the dodo bird go extinct?
    2. Where is the dodo bird originally from?
    3. What were some characteristics of the dodo bird?
    4. How did the introduction of non-native species contribute to the decline of the dodo bird population?

    1. The dodo bird went extinct in the late 17th century.
    2. The dodo bird is originally from the island of Mauritius.
    3. The dodo bird was a flightless bird with a large body size.
    4. The introduction of non-native species such as dogs, cats, and pigs contributed to the decline of the dodo bird population.

    Совет: Чтобы лучше понять первый параграф и правильно ответить на вопросы, рекомендуется использовать стратегию активного чтения. Перед чтением параграфа, посмотрите на заголовки и подзаголовки для получения общей идеи о теме. Во время чтения делайте заметки, выделяйте ключевые факты и пользуйтесь контекстом для ответа на вопросы.

    Задача на проверку:
    First Paragraph:
    "The Titanic was a British passenger liner that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1912. It was considered one of the most luxurious and technologically advanced ships of its time. On its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City, the Titanic struck an iceberg and ultimately sank, resulting in the loss of more than 1,500 lives. The sinking of the Titanic has become one of the most famous maritime disasters in history."

    1. When and where did the Titanic sink?
    2. What was the Titanic known for?
    3. How many lives were lost in the sinking of the Titanic?
    4. Why is the sinking of the Titanic considered a significant event in history?
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