Английский язык

Read the text and change the verbs in brackets to the correct form. Jason Peters is a cameraman who specializes

Read the text and change the verbs in brackets to the correct form. Jason Peters is a cameraman who specializes in filming wildlife. He has been exploring jungles around the world for fifteen years. Snakes have bitten him on multiple occasions while alligators have attacked him countless times. Despite this, Jason enjoys his lifestyle. He believes his life would be boring if he didn't have this job. Last year, he was working in Venezuela. While filming the Matis Indians, he discovered some fascinating information that he wasn't aware of before. The Matis people consume
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  • Михайловна
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    Измените глаголы в скобках на правильную форму.

    Данная задача представляет собой упражнение на изменение глаголов в правильную форму. Предложения в тексте содержат глаголы в неправильной форме, и их необходимо заменить на глаголы в правильной форме, учитывая указанный контекст.

    Пример использования:
    Jason Peters is a cameraman who specializes in filming wildlife. He has been exploring jungles around the world for fifteen years. Snakes have bitten him on multiple occasions while alligators have attacked him countless times. Despite this, Jason enjoys his lifestyle. He believes his life would be boring if he didn't have this job. Last year, he was working in Venezuela. While filming the Matis Indians, he discovered some fascinating information that he wasn't aware of before. The Matis people consume

    Прежде чем изменить глаголы в тексте, внимательно прочитайте предложения и обратите внимание на время глаголов. Обратите внимание на контекст и правильно согласуйте глаголы с субъектами предложений, чтобы создать логическое и грамматически правильное предложение.

    Заполните пропуски, заменив глаголы в скобках на правильную форму:
    Last night, John and Sam (watch) an exciting movie at the cinema. They (find) the movie very entertaining and (discuss) it for hours afterwards. While they (talk), John (remember) that he (forget) to do his homework. He (realize) that he (not have) enough time to do it now, so he (ask) Sam for help. Together, they (come up) with a plan to finish the homework in the morning.
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