Английский язык

Read the following text about Pieter s opinion on company culture in his previous and current companies. Identify

Read the following text about Pieter's opinion on company culture in his previous and current companies. Identify and correct the eight errors in the text.

"In my previous position, I was employed by a major telecommunications corporation. It was formerly a state-owned monopoly, but it underwent privatization in the 1990s. Regrettably, the culture there hasn't truly transformed. The decision-making process is exceedingly sluggish, and bureaucracy thrives – every action must receive approval from all levels of the hierarchy before implementation. I didn't particularly enjoy my time there, so I switched to a smaller rival company two years ago. The experience has been significantly more favorable."
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  • Маруся
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    Имя: Исправление ошибок в тексте.

    Объяснение: В данной задаче требуется найти и исправить восемь ошибок в тексте. Ошибки могут касаться грамматики, пунктуации, выбора слов и других аспектов письменного языка. Чтобы найти ошибки, нужно внимательно прочитать текст и обратить внимание на подозрительные места. После обнаружения ошибок нужно исправить их, чтобы текст стал правильным и логичным.

    Пример использования:

    Текст с ошибками:
    "In my previous position, I was employed by a major telecommunications corporation. It was formerly a state-owned monopoly, but it underwent privatization in the 1990s. Regrettably, the culture there hasn't truly transformed. The decision-making process is exceedingly sluggish, and bureaucracy thrives – every action must receive approval from all levels of the hierarchy before implementation. I didn't particularly enjoy my time there, so"

    Исправленный текст:
    "In my previous position, I was employed by a major telecommunications corporation. It was formerly a state-owned monopoly, but it underwent privatization in the 1990s. Regrettably, the culture there hasn't truly transformed. The decision-making process is exceedingly sluggish (исправление: быстрый), and bureaucracy thrives – every action must receive approval from all levels of the hierarchy before implementation. I didn't particularly enjoy my time there (исправление: там), (исправление: поэтому)"

    Совет: Чтобы улучшить свои навыки в исправлении ошибок в тексте, регулярно читайте и пишите на английском языке. Уделите внимание особенностям грамматики, пунктуации и выбора слов. Прочитайте свой текст внимательно и обратите внимание на подозрительные места.

    Упражнение: Найдите и исправьте ошибку в следующем предложении:
    "I has two cats and a dog at home."
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