Использование much , many , a lot of , how much , how many
Английский язык

Read the conversation between Ann and her mom. Then complete the sentences by using much, many, a lot of, how much

Read the conversation between Ann and her mom. Then complete the sentences by using much, many, a lot of, how much, or how many.

Ann: I'm going to the corner store, Mom. Do you need anything?
Mom: Yes, I do. I need a large quantity of tomatoes to make some sauce for the pasta.
Ann: How many tomatoes exactly?
Mom: I think 2 kilos is sufficient. I also need some cheese.
Ann: Of course, how much do you want?
Mom: I don't want much, maybe half a kilo. Also, there isn't much milk left. Get another liter, please.
Ann: OK! What about bread?
Mom: We have enough bread left. We don't need any more.
Ann: Can I get some chocolate for
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  • Parovoz
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    Тема: Использование "much", "many", "a lot of", "how much", "how many"

    - "Much" и "a lot of" используется для неисчисляемых существительных, т.е. для вещей, которые нельзя пересчитать. Например: much water (много воды), a lot of sugar (много сахара).
    - "Many" используется для исчисляемых существительных, т.е. для вещей, которые можно пересчитать. Например: many books (много книг), many apples (много яблок).
    - "How much" используется, когда мы хотим узнать количество неисчисляемых вещей. Например: How much water? (Сколько воды?)
    - "How many" используется, когда мы хотим узнать количество исчисляемых вещей. Например: How many books? (Сколько книг?)

    Пример использования:
    1. Ann is going to buy a lot of tomatoes.
    2. Mom needs a large quantity of tomatoes.
    3. Ann asked how many tomatoes her mom needs.
    4. Mom thinks 2 kilos of tomatoes is sufficient.
    5. Mom wants half a kilo of cheese.
    6. Mom doesn't want much cheese.
    7. There isn't much milk left.
    8. Ann needs to buy another liter of milk.
    9. Mom says they have enough bread left.

    Чтобы лучше запомнить использование этих слов, попробуйте составить свои собственные предложения, используя "much", "many", "a lot of", "how much", "how many", и предметы из своей повседневной жизни.

    Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя подходящее слово: much, many, a lot of, how much, how many.
    1. We have _______ homework to do tonight.
    2. _______ books are on the shelf?
    3. _______ water do you drink every day?
    4. There aren't _______ cookies left in the jar.
    5. _______ time do we have before the movie starts?
    6. I don't have _______ money to buy a new phone.
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