What are the provided phrasal verbs to complete the sentences in Task
Английский язык

Question 1: What are the provided phrasal verbs to complete the sentences in Task 3? Question 2: What made her change

Question 1: What are the provided phrasal verbs to complete the sentences in Task 3?
Question 2: What made her change her mind about going to the cinema?
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    Question 1: What are the provided phrasal verbs to complete the sentences in Task 3?
    Инструкция: Phrasal verbs are multi-word verbs that consist of a main verb and one or two particles (prepositions or adverbs). They often have a different meaning from the original verb and can be challenging to understand for non-native speakers. In task 3, the goal is to complete the sentences by choosing the correct phrasal verbs that fit the context. Here are the provided phrasal verbs:

    1. Give up: to stop doing or trying something.
    2. Look after: to take care of someone or something.
    3. Set up: to establish or arrange something.
    4. Turn off: to stop a machine or a device by pressing a button or a switch.

    Task 3:
    - She decided to [give up] her job and start her own business.
    - Can you [look after] my cat while I"m on vacation?
    - They are planning to [set up] a new company next year.
    - Don"t forget to [turn off] the lights before you leave.

    Совет: To understand phrasal verbs better, it"s important to study them in context. Try to read or listen to sentences that include phrasal verbs, and make note of their meanings. You can also practice using them in your own sentences to solidify your understanding.

    Question 2: What made her change her mind about going to the cinema?
    Инструкция: In order to determine what made her change her mind about going to the cinema, we need to consider the context and any information given. Without further information, it is difficult to provide a specific answer. However, there are some common reasons that could potentially influence someone to change their mind, such as:

    1. A change in the weather: If it started raining heavily or snowing, she might have decided not to go to the cinema.
    2. A change in plans: Perhaps she received a last-minute invitation to do something else that seemed more appealing.
    3. A change in circumstances: If she suddenly felt sick or had an unexpected obligation, she may have had to change her plans.
    4. A change in preferences: Sometimes people simply change their minds based on their mood or interests.

    Without more information, it is difficult to determine the exact reason. It would be helpful to have additional context or details to provide a more specific answer.

    Проверочное упражнение: Can you provide more information or context about the situation in order for me to give you a more accurate answer?
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