Object Pronoun Exercise • Instructions: Complete each sentence by using the appropriate object pronoun. 1. John teaches
Object Pronoun Exercise • Instructions: Complete each sentence by using the appropriate object pronoun. 1. John teaches English every day. (you and me) 2. There"s some mail for 3. I enjoy 4. She works with (I) a lot. (you - singular or plural) at that company. (a man) • 5. He enjoys 6. They enjoy consuming 7. Sue usually puts 8. Kindly give it to 9. They desire • 10. I desire fervently. (a woman) with cream cheese. (an object) in the refrigerator. (objects) (1) to work this weekend. (you and me) to help me out. (you)
02.12.2023 08:33
Пояснение: Личные местоимения в объектном падеже используются, чтобы указать на объекты действия в предложении. Они заменяют существительные или именные группы, которые являются объектами действия.
1. John teaches English every day. (you and me)
2. There"s some mail for me.
3. I enjoy playing.
4. She works with (I) a lot. (you - singular or plural) at that company. (a man)
5. He enjoys reading.
6. They enjoy consuming.
7. Sue usually puts it in the refrigerator.
8. Kindly give it to me.
9. They desire us to work this weekend.
10. I desire fervently. (a woman)
Совет: Для правильного использования личных местоимений в объектном падеже, необходимо понять роль каждого местоимения в предложении и определить, на кого или на что указывает действие.
Проверочное упражнение: Заполните пропуски в следующих предложениях, используя подходящие личные местоимения в объектном падеже.
1. Mary invited him and me to her party.
2. Could you pass me the salt, please?
3. Tom wants us to help him move into his new apartment.
4. Tina gave him a present on his birthday.
5. She asked them for some advice.
6. The teacher praised her for her hard work.
7. We found it difficult to understand the instructions.
8. The doctor prescribed me some medication for my cold.
9. My parents bought us a new car.
10. Can you teach her how to swim?