Joanne and Keith recently became engaged and have plans to marry in Hawaii. It is enjoyable to take walks at night
Joanne and Keith recently became engaged and have plans to marry in Hawaii. It is enjoyable to take walks at night by the water, where one can find relaxation in watching boats. Occupations such as firefighting often require individuals to work while experiencing pressure. I become frustrated when you interrupt me, as I tend to forget what I was saying. Marina has a passion for traveling and aspires to work in a foreign country. My boss assigned me an intriguing task, involving the creation of a sales report in Spanish.
10.12.2023 15:06
Объяснение: В данной задаче необходимо выделить предложения из текста. В английском языке предложение - это группа слов, которая содержит подлежащее и сказуемое и выражает законченную мысль. Чтобы выделить предложения, можно использовать следующие признаки: там, где заключено дополнение вспомогательным глаголом в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем времени; там, где есть глагол сразу после существительного или местоимения винительного падежа с прилагательными или причастием, и т. д.
Пример использования:
Текст: Joanne and Keith recently became engaged and have plans to marry in Hawaii. It is enjoyable to take walks at night by the water, where one can find relaxation in watching boats. Occupations such as firefighting often require individuals to work while experiencing pressure. I become frustrated when you interrupt me, as I tend to forget what I was saying. Marina has a passion for traveling and aspires to work in a foreign country. My boss assigned me an intriguing task, involving the creation of a sales report in Spanish.
Выделенные предложения:
1. Joanne and Keith recently became engaged and have plans to marry in Hawaii.
2. It is enjoyable to take walks at night by the water, where one can find relaxation in watching boats.
3. Occupations such as firefighting often require individuals to work while experiencing pressure.
4. I become frustrated when you interrupt me, as I tend to forget what I was saying.
5. Marina has a passion for traveling and aspires to work in a foreign country.
6. My boss assigned me an intriguing task, involving the creation of a sales report in Spanish.
Совет: Для выделения предложений в тексте, полезно обратить внимание на наличие подлежащего и сказуемого в предложении. Также стоит обращать внимание на наличие глагола после существительного или местоимения винительного падежа, так как это может быть признаком начала нового предложения.
Упражнение: Выделите предложения в следующем тексте:
"The weather was sunny, and we decided to go for a walk in the park. After that, we went to a café and had a delicious meal. In the evening, we watched a movie at home and enjoyed some popcorn."