Conversation about coming home late
Английский язык

Jo: Hello, Mum, Are you still awake? You don t have to have waited up for me. Mum: Do you know what time it is?

Jo: Hello, Mum, Are you still awake? You don"t have to have waited up for me.
Mum: Do you know what time it is? It"s after midnight and you have to go to school in the morning.
Jo: I"m sorry, but I missed the last bus.
Mum: Well, you should have phoned me then. You can come in at any time you want.
Jo: Oh Mum, you shouldn"t worry about me. Anyway, you have to walk miles to find a telephone that works.
Mum: Then next time be sure to catch the bus. You shouldn"t walk in the dark alone.
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  • Serdce_Ognya
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    "Conversation about coming home late"

    Инструкция: In this conversation, Jo is apologizing to their mother for coming home late. Jo explains that they missed the last bus and admits that they should have called their mother. The mother expresses concern for Jo"s safety, mentioning that it"s late at night and Jo has to go to school in the morning. Jo reassures their mother, stating that she shouldn"t worry about them and mentioning that finding a working telephone would be difficult. The mother advises Jo to make sure to catch the bus next time and not walk alone in the dark.

    Доп. материал: Imagine you are Jo"s classmate, write a short essay reflecting on the importance of communication and responsibility towards our loved ones.

    Совет: It is essential to communicate with our loved ones when we are going to be late or face any unexpected situations. By informing them, we can ensure their peace of mind and avoid unnecessary worry. Responsibility is also crucial in these situations, as we need to make sensible decisions to ensure our safety. If we miss a bus, for example, we should immediately notify our parents or guardians and explore alternative options rather than embarking on a risky journey alone.

    Дополнительное упражнение: Write a dialogue between Jo and their friend, discussing the importance of keeping loved ones informed about one"s whereabouts and well-being.
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