Ошибка в диалоге
Английский язык

Find and correct the mistakes in the dialogue: Claire: Let s go clothes shopping this afternoon. Jenny: I m afraid

Find and correct the mistakes in the dialogue:

Claire: Let"s go clothes shopping this afternoon.
Jenny: I"m afraid I can"t. I don"t have much money at the moment.
Claire: Well, why don"t we organize a clothes swap party instead? We can exchange clothes we don"t want!
Jenny: That sounds fun. I have lots of old clothes.
Claire: Shall we ask Isobel to help?
Jenny: That"s a great idea!
Claire: I"m going to her house now. Would you like to come along?
Jenny: Yes, I would love to. We can plan it together this afternoon. How about telling people on Facebook?
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  • Ogonek
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    Тема урока: Ошибка в диалоге

    Пояснение: В данном диалоге содержатся ошибки в использовании кавычек и знаков препинания. В английском языке используются двойные кавычки для обозначения прямой речи, а не двойные кавычки, как в данном диалоге. Также, в словах "Can"t", "I"m" и "I"d", апострофы неправильно заменены на кавычки. Пробелы после знаков препинания также являются ошибками.


    Обычный диалог:
    Claire: Let"s go clothes shopping this afternoon.
    Jenny: I"m afraid I can"t. I don"t have much money at the moment.
    Claire: Well, why don"t we organize a clothes swap party instead? We can exchange clothes we don"t want!
    Jenny: That sounds fun. I have lots of old clothes.
    Claire: Shall we ask Isobel to help?
    Jenny: That"s a great idea!
    Claire: I"m going to her house now. Would you like to come along?
    Jenny: Yes, I would love to. We can plan it together this afternoon. How about telling people on Facebook?

    Исправленный диалог:
    Claire: "Let"s go clothes shopping this afternoon."
    Jenny: "I"m afraid I can"t. I don"t have much money at the moment."
    Claire: "Well, why don"t we organize a clothes swap party instead? We can exchange clothes we don"t want!"
    Jenny: "That sounds fun. I have lots of old clothes."
    Claire: "Shall we ask Isobel to help?"
    Jenny: "That"s a great idea!"
    Claire: "I"m going to her house now. Would you like to come along?"
    Jenny: "Yes, I would love to. We can plan it together this afternoon. How about telling people on Facebook?"

    Совет: Для запоминания правильного использования кавычек, можно прочитать диалог вслух, обращая внимание на изменение интонации при произнесении фраз в прямой речи.

    Задача на проверку: Исправьте ошибки в следующих предложениях:
    1. Paul: "I can"t believe it"s already Friday!"
    Emily: "I know, time flies doesn"t it?"
    2. Mark: "I"ll be there at seven."
    Sarah: "Okay, I"ll see you then."
    3. Tom: "I"m going to the concert next week"
    Lisa: "Oh, I"d love to go too!"
    4. Alex: "I"m sorry, I don"t have any money."
    Nicole: "That"s okay, we can go another time."
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