Modal Verbs - Must, Have to, Should
Английский язык

Exercise 3: Fill in the blanks with Must, Have to, Should in the correct form. Mother to child: You must not play with

Exercise 3: Fill in the blanks with Must, Have to, Should in the correct form.

Mother to child: You must not play with matches. He has to wear glasses all the time because he sees very badly.

Mother to daughter: You should come in earlier at night.

Mr. Pitt has to cook his own meals. His wife is away.

You should really tell them the truth. It would be the right thing to do.

Park notice: All dogs must be kept on leads.

You should bring an umbrella. I have one for you.

Mother to child: You must not tell lies.

You have to carry that parcel home yourself; the shop will send it.

You can see this film if you want to, I think it"s a good idea.
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    Subject: Modal Verbs - Must, Have to, Should

    Описание: Modal verbs are used to express various degrees of necessity, obligation, and advice. In this exercise, we have three modal verbs: Must, Have to, and Should. Here is a breakdown of their usage:

    1. Must: Used to express strong obligation or prohibition. It indicates that something is necessary to be done or should not be done. In the exercise, "You must not play with matches" and "You must not tell lies" are examples of prohibition. These sentences emphasize that the action is not allowed.

    2. Have to: Used to express external obligation or necessity imposed by someone else or by circumstances. In the exercise, "He has to wear glasses all the time because he sees very badly" and "Mr. Pitt has to cook his own meals" demonstrate the external obligation or necessity in their situations.

    3. Should: Used to give advice or suggestion. It indicates that something is recommended to be done. In the exercise, "You should come in earlier at night" and "You should really tell them the truth" are examples of advice. These sentences suggest what the person should or should not do.

    Демонстрация: Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of Must, Have to, or Should.

    1. You must wear a helmet when riding a bike.
    2. We have to finish our homework before tomorrow.
    3. You should study for the exam to get a good grade.

    Совет: To understand the difference between Must, Have to, and Should, it is important to consider the level of obligation or necessity in each situation. Must implies a strong obligation or prohibition, Have to indicates an external obligation or necessity, and Should gives advice or recommendation.

    Закрепляющее упражнение: Fill in the blanks with Must, Have to, or Should in the correct form.

    1. Students ________ listen to their teachers in class.
    2. We ________ be careful when crossing the road.
    3. You ________ eat fruits and vegetables for a healthy lifestyle.
    4. They ________ arrive on time for the meeting.
    5. I ________ do my homework before going out to play.
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