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Английский язык

Exercise 22. a) Choose the appropriate words from the provided list: 1. Mr. Hawk is not a very ... individual. He works

Exercise 22. a) Choose the appropriate words from the provided list:
1. Mr. Hawk is not a very ... individual. He works as a clerk. He is an employee ... in an office in London. He is a man ... with no imagination. He is a daydreamer.
2. Mr. Baxter is a highly significant .... He holds the role of a manager and strongly believes in strict .... He is always impeccably dressed and punctual. Mr. Baxter is a ... full of great energy and has been quite successful. However, he is not very content. He is a little too ambitious. He desires to become an ...
3. Miss Clara Flight is an attractive ... with a nice physique and an intriguing face. She is consistently ... well-dressed. Miss Flight is a secretary in a ...
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  • Anatoliy
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    Предмет вопроса: Слова, характеризующие людей

    Описание: В данном упражнении необходимо выбрать подходящие слова из предложенного списка для описания людей. Каждый человек описывается несколькими характеристиками, которые наиболее подходят к его личности.

    1. Mr. Hawk is not a very creative individual. He works as a clerk. He is an employee working in an office in London. He is a man devoid of imagination. He is a daydreamer.
    2. Mr. Baxter is a highly influential figure. He holds the role of a manager and strongly believes in strict discipline. He is always impeccably dressed and punctual. Mr. Baxter is an entrepreneur full of great energy and has been quite successful. However, he is not very content. He is a little too ambitious. He desires to become a CEO.
    3. Miss Clara Flight is an attractive young woman.

    Совет: Для лучшего понимания и запоминания значений данных слов, можно составить ассоциации с известными людьми или профессиями, которые легко ассоциируются с данными характеристиками.

    Задание для закрепления: Выберите подходящие слова из следующего списка:
    a) амбициозный, креативный, окружающий, сотрудник, сонник, руководитель, полон энергии, пунктуальный, строгий, человек без воображения, желающий стать, привлекательный
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