Английский язык

Enter or 1 Peter had been cycling for approximately one hour when a thunderstorm began. 2 Did you enjoy the concert

Enter or 1 Peter had been cycling for approximately one hour when a thunderstorm began. 2 Did you enjoy the concert that you attended last week? 3 My father was completely exhausted the other day. He had been working for nearly 12 hours! 4 Upon Lily"s arrival at school, she realized that she had forgotten an important school project at home. 5 Where were you last week? I was concerned about you! 6 My mother was extremely angry with me last Friday. I arrived home late, and she had been waiting for several hours. 7 Sofia studied all day.
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    Тема занятия: Past Perfect Continuous Tense

    Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to talk about an action that started in the past, continued for a certain period of time, and was still ongoing at a specific point in the past. It is formed by using the auxiliary verb "had been" followed by the present participle (-ing form) of the main verb.

    In sentence 1, Peter had been cycling for approximately one hour before the thunderstorm started. This shows that the action of cycling had started before the thunderstorm and was still ongoing when the thunderstorm began.

    Sentence 3 states that the father had been working for nearly 12 hours, indicating that the action of working had started in the past and continued for a specific duration of time.

    Sentence 4 mentions that Lily had forgotten her school project at home upon her arrival at school. Here, the action of forgetting had occurred before her arrival at school.

    Автоматический перевод: "1 Петр катался на велосипеде примерно час, когда началась гроза. 2 Нравился ли вам концерт, на котором вы были на прошлой неделе? 3 Мой отец был полностью измучен вчера. Он работал почти 12 часов! 4 По прибытии в школу Лили поняла, что забыла важный школьный проект дома. 5 Где вы были на прошлой неделе? Я беспокоился о вас! 6 Моя мама была очень злая на меня в прошлую пятницу. Я пришел домой поздно, а она уже несколько часов ожидала. 7 София училась весь день."

    To understand the Past Perfect Continuous Tense more easily, it is important to remember that this tense is used to describe an ongoing action that happened before another specific point in the past. It is often used in combination with the Simple Past Tense to show the sequence of events.

    It can be helpful to practice forming sentences using the Past Perfect Continuous Tense and recognizing when to use it in context. Reading and listening to English materials can also improve your understanding of this tense.

    Переведите следующие предложения, используя прошедшее совершенное продолженное время:
    1. They had been playing tennis for two hours when it started raining.
    2. We had been waiting for the bus for 30 minutes before it finally arrived.
    3. She had been studying all night, so she was very tired in the morning.
    4. The teacher had been explaining the lesson for 20 minutes when the bell rang.
    5. They had been talking on the phone for hours before they realized it was already midnight.
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