Подстановка предложений в параграфы
Английский язык

Complete the paragraphs on the right using the sentences on the left, which are in chronological order. However

Complete the paragraphs on the right using the sentences on the left, which are in chronological order. However, the underlined sentence should be used at the beginning of the paragraph, so sometimes the past perfect is necessary. (a) The office was broken into during the night, and we discovered it when we arrived at work in the morning. (b) During the night, we arrived at work in the morning and called the police because somebody had broken into the office. (a) This morning, Laura went out, and I went to Laura's house and rang the doorbell. (b) Laura went out this morning, and I went to her house this morning and rang the doorbell.
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  • Вечный_Странник
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    Тема: Подстановка предложений в параграфы

    Объяснение: Данная задача по составлению параграфов требует от нас умения правильно подставить предложения в цельный текст, придерживаясь хронологического порядка и используя прошедшее совершенное время (past perfect), если необходимо. Использование грамматических правил и логического мышления поможет нам верно выполнить это задание.

    Пример использования:
    а) The office was broken into during the night, and we discovered it when we arrived at work in the morning. (b) During the night, we arrived at work in the morning and called the police because somebody had broken into the office.

    Совет: Обратите внимание на подчеркнутое предложение и используйте его в начале параграфа, используя прошедшее совершенное время для предшествующих действий. Помните, что хронологический порядок должен быть соблюден, чтобы связать предложения в цельный текст.

    Упражнение: Подставьте предложения в правильный порядок и составьте параграф:
    (c) Laura went out this morning, and I went to her house and rang the doorbell.
    (d) She had already left, and I had to wait for her to return.
    (e) After a while, Laura came back and opened the door.
    (f) We had planned to go shopping together, but she forgot about our appointment.
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