Английский язык

Can you help me find the answer? I couldn t find it myself. Listen again and complete the sentences. Diana s closest

Can you help me find the answer? I couldn't find it myself. Listen again and complete the sentences. Diana's closest friend is Naomi. She is the happiest person that Dom knows. Naomi's brother, Eric, is the most uninteresting man that Dom has ever met and Charlie believes he has the worst job ever. Dom's wealthiest family member is his aunt Harriet. She also possesses the largest house. The person who owns the most popular cafe in town is Rupert. Patrick is the person that Dom likes the least. He will turn 9 on his upcoming birthday and his height is only 76 centimeters!
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  • Ян
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    Содержание вопроса: Заполнение пропущенных слов в предложениях.

    Пояснение: В данной задаче необходимо завершить предложения, используя информацию из предоставленного текста. Чтобы правильно заполнить пропуски, необходимо внимательно прослушать информацию и выделить ключевые факты.

    1. Diana's closest friend is Naomi.
    2. She is the happiest person that Dom knows.
    3. Naomi's brother, Eric, is the most uninteresting man that Dom has ever met.
    4. Charlie believes he has the worst job ever.
    5. Dom's wealthiest family member is his aunt Harriet.
    6. She also possesses the largest house.
    7. The person who owns the most popular cafe in town is Rupert.
    8. Patrick is the person that Dom likes the least.
    9. He will turn 9 on his upcoming birthday and his height is only 76 centimeters.

    Совет: Чтобы легче заполнить пропуски в предложениях, рекомендуется внимательно прослушать аудио еще раз и принимать во внимание основные характеристики или прилагательные, которые относятся к каждому человеку или предмету.

    Дополнительное задание: Заполните пропущенные слова в следующих предложениях, используя информацию из текста.

    1. The biggest talent that Anna has is her ability to _______________.
    2. John is the smartest student in class. He always gets _______________.
    3. Sara's favorite sport is _______________. She has been practicing it for years.
    4. The most beautiful place I have ever visited is _______________.
    5. Andrew's favorite subject at school is _______________. He enjoys solving _______________.

    (Ответы на упражнение: 1. sing beautifully; 2. excellent grades; 3. swimming; 4. Paris; 5. mathematics, equations.)
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