At noon yesterday, were the staff having their monthly meeting or are they having their monthly meeting? Did your
At noon yesterday, were the staff having their monthly meeting or are they having their monthly meeting? Did your father work as a taxi driver five years ago or did he used to work as a taxi driver five years ago? Did you arrive on time at the airport or were you arriving on time at the airport? Two hundred years ago, did people travel abroad by ship or had they travelled abroad by ship? Was the teacher giving the students a test or did the teacher give the students a test when the principal came into the classroom or was the principal coming into the classroom? Did your grandfather used to go birdwatching when he was a young man or did your grandfather go birdwatching when he was a young man? Is Nicole closing the windows, setting the alarm, and leaving the house or did Nicole close the windows, set the alarm, and leave the house?
11.12.2023 05:10
Пояснение: В английском языке существует несколько способов образования формы прошедшего времени. В данной задаче рассматривается выбор между двумя временами - Past Continuous (was/were + V-ing) и Past Simple (did + глагол в основной форме).
1. "At noon yesterday, were the staff having their monthly meeting or are they having their monthly meeting?" Здесь используется Past Continuous ("were the staff having"), чтобы описать длительное действие, которое происходило в момент вчерашнего полудня. Ответ: "At noon yesterday, the staff were having their monthly meeting."
2. "Did your father work as a taxi driver five years ago or did he used to work as a taxi driver five years ago?" В данной задаче мы спрашиваем о состоянии или обычном действии, которое происходило в прошлом. Здесь используется Past Simple ("did your father work"), чтобы указать на прошедшее время. Ответ: "Five years ago, my father worked as a taxi driver."
3. "Did you arrive on time at the airport or were you arriving on time at the airport?" Здесь используется два вида прошедшего времени - Past Simple ("did you arrive") и Past Continuous ("were you arriving"). Past Simple употребляется, чтобы описать одиночное действие, которое произошло в прошлом, в то время как Past Continuous используется, чтобы описать действие, которое происходило в момент прошедшего времени. Ответ: "I arrived on time at the airport."
4. "Two hundred years ago, did people travel abroad by ship or had they travelled abroad by ship?" Здесь мы спрашиваем о прошедшем времени в прошлом. Здесь используется Past Simple ("did people travel"), чтобы описать событие, которое произошло в прошлом. Ответ: "Two hundred years ago, people traveled abroad by ship."
5. "Was the teacher giving the students a test or did the teacher give the students a test when the principal came into the classroom or was the principal coming into the classroom?" В данном предложении используется Past Continuous ("was the teacher giving"), чтобы описать длительное действие, которое происходило в момент, когда в класс вошел директор. Ответ: "When the principal came into the classroom, the teacher was giving the students a test."
Совет: Чтобы лучше понять и запомнить формы прошедшего времени, рекомендуется читать и слушать английские тексты, обращая внимание на использование разных времен.
Дополнительное задание: Замените данные предложения на формы прошедшего времени: 1. "She sings a song." 2. "I eat breakfast every morning." 3. "They swim in the pool."