Заполнение предложений подходящими словами
Английский язык

A. Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate words: estimated, wandering, opening, opportunity, crowded

A. Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate words: estimated, wandering, opening, opportunity, crowded, bumpy, reputation, volunteers, condition, crept.

1. The premiere night of the play was a tremendous success.
2. I had the chance to go to Paris and study.
3. The thief sneaked around the house without making a sound.
4. The company is known for providing high-quality service.
5. Her fortune was recently valued at £37 million.
6. By 10 am, the city streets were bustling and filled with people.
7. Driving over the uneven road made her feel quite nauseous.
8. We spent the entire day exploring the zoo.
9. Two of the burn victims were injured.
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  • Черепаха
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    Содержание: Заполнение предложений подходящими словами

    Пояснение: В данной задаче вам необходимо выбрать подходящие слова, чтобы заполнить пропущенные части предложений. В каждом предложении нужно выбрать одно из предложенных слов, которое логически подходит к контексту.

    1. The premiere night of the play was a tremendous success.
    2. I had the chance to go to Paris and study.
    3. The thief crept around the house without making a sound.
    4. The company is known for providing high-quality service.
    5. Her fortune was recently valued at £37 million.
    6. By 10 am, the city streets were crowded and filled with people.
    7. Driving over the bumpy road made her feel quite nauseous.
    8. We spent the entire opening.

    Совет: Перед выполнением этой задачи, обратите внимание на контекст каждого предложения и подумайте, какое из предложенных слов будет логически подходить к данным ситуациям. Прочтите предложения несколько раз, чтобы полностью понять их смысл.
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