Present Simple и Present Continuous в английском языке
Английский язык

A. Complete the following sentences using the present simple or present continuous tense. 1. Normally, Carl has lunch

A. Complete the following sentences using the present simple or present continuous tense.

1. Normally, Carl has lunch at the canteen, but today he is eating at a restaurant with his colleagues.
2. He finishes work at six o"clock every day, but today he and a friend of his are leaving earlier.
3. He is currently trying to make a phone call to a customer.
4. Does he send invoices to customers every weekday?
5. Do they fill in reports every day?
6. He doesn"t talk to his girlfriend in the morning, but he is calling her right now.
7. His boss and other managers are currently having a meeting.
8. Carl and his friends are working hard right now.
9. Where are the workers located?
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  • Таинственный_Акробат
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    Суть вопроса: Present Simple и Present Continuous в английском языке


    Present Simple (настоящее простое время) используется для выражения регулярных или повседневных действий, фактов, общеизвестных истин, а также привычек. Оно образуется с помощью основного глагола в базовой форме для всех лиц, кроме третьего лица единственного числа (добавляется окончание -s или -es).

    Пример: "I play football every Sunday" (Я играю в футбол каждое воскресенье)

    Present Continuous (настоящее продолженное время) используется, чтобы описать действия, которые происходят в момент речи или в настоящий момент времени. Оно образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола "to be" в настоящем времени и причастия настоящего времени глагола, оканчивающегося на -ing.

    Пример: "I am eating dinner right now" (Я кушаю ужин прямо сейчас)


    Для понимания правил использования Present Simple и Present Continuous важно знать ключевые слова и выражения, которые часто употребляются с этими временами. Например, для Present Simple - always, usually, often, sometimes, never, every day, every week и т.д. Для Present Continuous - now, at the moment, currently, today и т.д.


    Complete the following sentences using the present simple or present continuous tense:

    1. Normally, Carl has lunch at the canteen, but today he is eating at a restaurant with his colleagues.

    2. He finishes work at six o"clock every day, but today he and a friend of his are leaving earlier.

    3. He is currently trying to make a phone call to a customer.

    4. Does he send invoices to customers every weekday?

    5. Do they fill in reports every day?

    6. He doesn"t talk to his girlfriend in the morning, but he is calling her right now.

    7. His boss and other managers are currently having a meeting.

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