Замена глагола must или правильной формы глагола have
Английский язык

9.5. Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the verb must or the correct form of the verb have to . 1

9.5. Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the verb "must" or the correct form of the verb "have to".

1. Is it necessary for you to remain silent during the film?
2. We left our tickets at home, so is it necessary for us to return?
3. Since Jane missed the test yesterday, does she need to do it tomorrow?
4. Would it have been necessary for you to be upset when you heard this news?
5. I apologize, but Jack is not present. Did he leave about an hour ago?
6. He is experiencing a stomach problem and as a result, he visits his doctor every week.
7. Do you need to go shopping today? We have plenty of food in the fridge.
8. The conference hall is really crowded. Is there approximately a thousand people there?
9. That is really good news. Shall I inform Mark?
Верные ответы (1):
  • Moroznaya_Roza_7832
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    Тема: Замена глагола "must" или правильной формы глагола "have to"

    Пояснение: Глагол "must" и его эквивалент "have to" выражают необходимость или обязанность совершить какое-либо действие. В данной задаче требуется переписать предложения, заменив глагол "must" или "have to".

    1. "Is it necessary for you to remain silent during the film?" - "Do you need to remain silent during the film?"
    2. "We left our tickets at home, so is it necessary for us to return?" - "We left our tickets at home, so do we need to return?"
    3. "Since Jane missed the test yesterday, does she need to do it tomorrow?" - "Since Jane missed the test yesterday, does she have to do it tomorrow?"
    4. "Would it have been necessary for you to be upset when you heard this news?" - "Would you have had to be upset when you heard this news?"
    5. "I apologize, but Jack is not present. Did he leave about an hour ago?" - "I apologize, but Jack is not present. Did he have to leave about an hour ago?"
    6. "He is experiencing a stomach problem and as a result, he visits his doctor every week." - "He is experiencing a stomach problem and as a result, he has to visit his doctor every week."
    7. "Do you need to go shopping today? We have" - "Do you have to go shopping today? We have"

    Совет: Для замены глагола "must" или "have to" необходимо использовать эквивалентные выражения, которые передают ту же самую обязанность или необходимость. Обратите внимание на правильную форму глагола и на контекст предложения, чтобы понять, какой вариант замены будет наиболее подходящим.

    Практика: Перепишите следующие предложения, заменив глагол "must" или "have to":

    1. Is it necessary for me to attend the meeting?
    2. We have to finish the project by tomorrow.
    3. They must study for the exam.
    4. Do I need to bring my ID card?
    5. She had to leave early yesterday.
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