Past Simple - глагол to be и to relocate
Английский язык

2Complete the text. Use the words in parentheses in the correct form. (9 points maximum.) When I was younger, I used

2Complete the text. Use the words in parentheses in the correct form. (9 points maximum.) When I was younger, I used to reside in a small rural community. There (be) was a school within the village, so I attended a school in a town approximately 5 km away. I (not, enjoy) did not enjoy the school because the (children) other children were unfriendly, but I had numerous friends within the village. Then, in 2014, we (relocate) relocated from the village to another town. It was an extremely melancholic experience. I had to organize everything before the move. As I (place) placed my belongings into boxes, I found myself shedding tears. When the movers arrived to transport our possessions to our new home, I (sit) sat in my room, once again crying.
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    Содержание: Past Simple - глагол "to be" и "to relocate"

    Глагол "to be" в прошедшем времени изменяется следующим образом: I/he/she/it was, you/we/they were. Данный глагол используется для описания состояния или местоположения в прошлом.
    Глагол "to relocate" означает "переезжать" и изменяется следующим образом: I/he/she/it relocated, you/we/they relocated.

    Доп. материал:
    When I was younger, I used to reside in a small rural community. There was a school within the village, so I attended a school in a town approximately 5 km away. I did not enjoy the school because the other children were unfriendly, but I had numerous friends within the village. Then, in 2014, we relocated from the village to another town. It was an extremely melancholic experience. I had to organize everything before the move. As I placed my belongings...

    Чтобы лучше понять использование глагола "to be" и "to relocate" в прошедшем времени, рекомендуется прочитать их примеры и контексты, чтобы выработать лучшее понимание их значения. Также полезно будет практиковаться в составлении предложений, используя данные глаголы в нужной форме.

    Ещё задача:
    Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb "to be":
    1. Yesterday, I ________ at home all day because I was feeling sick. (to be)
    2. They ________ very tired after the long hike. (to be)

    Translate into English:
    1. Вчера мы переехали в новый дом. (to relocate)
    2. Я не был на вечеринке, потому что был очень занят. (to be)
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