Укомплектование предложений
Английский язык

2. Select the appropriate word from the options provided. 1) They reported that there had been an earthquake in Chile

2. Select the appropriate word from the options provided. 1) They reported that there had been an earthquake in Chile. 2) As per the television, there is an exciting movie on Channel five at ten o"clock. 3) Have you seen the new commercial for soap featuring that amusing dog? 4) Certain individuals subscribe to television and have a type of antenna on their rooftop to receive signals from outer space. 5) If you have an antenna, you can access numerous television channels. 6) Journalists are prone to making errors, so do not believe everything you read in the 7) Television networks broadcast their programs nationwide or even internationally. 8) Paperback books are referred to as
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    Тема занятия: Укомплектование предложений

    Описание: В данной задаче вам предлагается выбрать подходящее слово из предложенных вариантов, чтобы укомплектовать каждое предложение. Вам нужно выбрать слово, которое логически подходит к контексту предложения и грамматически согласуется с ним.

    1) They reported that there had been an earthquake in Chile.
    2) According to the television, there is an exciting movie on Channel five at ten o"clock.
    3) Have you seen the new commercial for soap featuring that amusing dog?
    4) Certain individuals subscribe to television and have a type of antenna on their rooftop to receive signals from outer space.
    5) If you have an antenna, you can access numerous television channels.
    6) Journalists are prone to making errors, so do not believe everything you read in the newspaper.
    7) Television networks broadcast various programs for their viewers.

    Совет: Для правильного ответа на данную задачу, внимательно прочитайте каждое предложение и подумайте о слове, которое наиболее точно дополняет его смысл. Обратите внимание на контекст, грамматику и логическую связь между предложениями.

    Задача на проверку: Выберите подходящее слово для дополнения предложения:
    8) The ____________ station provides live coverage of the local news.
    a) newspaper b) television c) book
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