2 Fill in the sentences using the words provided in exercise 1. 1 Jane is currently pursuing a degree in economics
2 Fill in the sentences using the words provided in exercise 1. 1 Jane is currently pursuing a degree in economics. Her career aspiration is to work in 2 Mark has a passion for exploring different places and is proficient in four languages. His desired profession is to work in... 3 Emma is currently pursuing a degree in journalism. Her future job will be in... 4 Lee has a strong interest in culinary arts. His career goal is to work in... 5 Gemma is currently enrolled in the National Theatre School. Her aim is to secure a job in... 6 Rob is currently training to become a primary school teacher. His plan is to work in...
13.11.2023 07:26
Инструкция: В данном упражнении необходимо заполнить предложения, используя слова, представленные в упражнении 1. Каждое предложение связано с выбранной профессией или целью карьеры. Чтобы правильно заполнить предложения, необходимо понимать значения данных слов.
Дополнительный материал:
1. Jane is currently pursuing a degree in economics. Her career aspiration is to work in finance.
2. Mark has a passion for exploring different places and is proficient in four languages. His desired profession is to work in tourism.
3. Emma is currently pursuing a degree in journalism. Her future job will be in media.
4. Lee has a strong interest in culinary arts. His career goal is to work in culinary industry.
5. Gemma is currently enrolled in the National Theatre School. Her aim is to secure a job in performing arts.
6. Rob is currently training to become a primary school teacher.
Совет: Чтобы лучше понять значения данных слов и профессий, рекомендуется использовать интернет-ресурсы, словари или обратиться к учителю для получения дополнительной информации.
Упражнение: Заполните предложение, используя слово, соответствующее цели карьеры:
"Lisa is currently studying engineering. Her dream is to become a...".
Или же задайте вопрос по данной теме.
Пояснение: В данном упражнении необходимо заполнить предложения, используя предоставленные слова. Задача студента состоит в выборе наиболее подходящего слова для каждого предложения и вставке его в пропуски. В каждом предложении представлена информация о человеке, его текущей учебе и карьерных целях. Школьник должен использовать знания о различных профессиях, которые связаны с указанными областями и выбрать наилучший вариант слова, чтобы заполнить пропуски.
1. Jane is currently pursuing a degree in economics. Her career aspiration is to work in financial consulting.
2. Mark has a passion for exploring different places and is proficient in four languages. His desired profession is to work in international relations.
3. Emma is currently pursuing a degree in journalism. Her future job will be in broadcasting.
4. Lee has a strong interest in culinary arts. His career goal is to work in fine dining.
5. Gemma is currently enrolled in the National Theatre School. Her aim is to secure a job in theater acting.
6. Rob is currently training to become a primary school teacher.
Совет: Для успешного выполнения задания значительное внимание следует уделить изучению различных профессий, связанных с соответствующими областями. Это поможет лучше понять, какие слова лучше всего подходят для каждого предложения.
Закрепляющее упражнение: Заполните пропуски в следующих предложениях, используя слова из соответствующих областей:
1. David is currently studying medicine. His dream is to work as a ________________.
2. Sarah is passionate about animals and conservation. She wants to become a ________________.
3. James is fascinated by computer science. He aspires to work in ________________.
4. Lucy is pursuing a degree in architecture. Her goal is to become an ________________.
5. Michael enjoys creating new recipes and experimenting in the kitchen. He hopes to work as a ________________.
6. Rachel is currently studying literature. She dreams of becoming a ________________.