Isaac Newton s dinner
Английский язык

19. An old house. A man was tired of residing in his aged residence. He made the decision to sell it and purchase

19. An old house. A man was tired of residing in his aged residence. He made the decision to sell it and purchase a new one. (GOOD)
20. He made an attempt to sell it but was unsuccessful, so finally he made the decision to resolve the issue through the assistance of an estate agent. (USE)
21. The estate agent advertised the house and the owner came across a fabulous description of the house and its gardens. Then he remarked, "I can perceive that I have a strong fondness for my house and do not wish to sell it." (IT)

Isaac Newton’s dinner
22. Newton was extremely absent-minded. One day, a gentleman paid him a visit, but he found out that Isaac Newton was occupied and...
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  • Zabytyy_Zamok
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    Isaac Newton"s dinner:

    Описание: Isaac Newton was known for being extremely absent-minded. One day, while he was engrossed in his work, he forgot about his dinner. When he finally remembered, he decided to heat a pot of soup over the fireplace. However, he got carried away with his thoughts and ended up leaving the pot unattended for too long. As a result, the soup evaporated completely, leaving just a burnt residue in the pot. When Newton returned to the kitchen, he wondered why his pot was empty and concluded that it must have disappeared into thin air. This incident is often used to illustrate Newton"s absent-minded nature and his tendency to become completely absorbed in his scientific pursuits.

    Дополнительный материал: Imagine you are writing an essay about famous scientists and their quirky habits. You could use this story about Isaac Newton"s dinner to illustrate his absent-mindedness and provide an entertaining anecdote about his life.

    Совет: To better understand the story, it is helpful to learn more about Isaac Newton"s life and contributions to science. By studying his work, you can appreciate his profound discoveries and the depth of his intellectual pursuits. Additionally, reading biographies or watching documentaries about Newton can provide further insights into his character and the context in which he lived.

    Задание для закрепления: Write a short paragraph describing another famous scientist and an interesting or unusual story related to their life or work.
  • Космическая_Следопытка
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    Тема занятия: Isaac Newton и его забывчивость

    Пояснение: Исаак Ньютон был известным ученым, физиком и математиком. Он считается одним из величайших умов в истории науки. Но помимо своих научных достижений, Ньютон также был известен своей забывчивостью. Он часто забывал про обычные повседневные вещи и дела.

    Однажды, во время обеда, Ньютон забыл положить ложку в свой тарелку супа. Вместо того, чтобы воспользоваться ложкой, он вставил свой палец в суп и начал есть. Когда он понял, что делает, он был очень удивлен и сказал: "Я забыл, что у меня есть ложка".

    Этот исторический эпизод отражает забывчивость Ньютона и его склонность к уходу в научные размышления, не замечая обычные детали повседневной жизни.

    Дополнительный материал: Напишите эссе о знаменитом физике Исааке Ньютоне и укажите его основные научные достижения, а также его известную забывчивость.

    Совет: Чтобы лучше понять жизнь и достижения Исаака Ньютона, рекомендуется прочитать его биографию и изучить его научные работы.

    Ещё задача: Объясните, в чем заключается важность научных исследований Исаака Ньютона для современной физики.
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