Modal verbs in English
Английский язык

1. Where is Sam? - He might still be playing football. He may be at home by now. 2. Jim is waiting for us, so we must

1. Where is Sam? - He might still be playing football. He may be at home by now.
2. Jim is waiting for us, so we must hurry.
3. Shall I call you tomorrow?
4. Children mustn"t play with matches.
5. Her parents are so nice and understanding. She should appreciate them.
6. How could you treat your child in such a way?
7. He wanted to enter the house, but the door couldn"t open.
8. I was so upset that I couldn"t say a word.
9. There isn"t much butter in the fridge, so you needn"t go to the shop.
10. It is rather cold in the room. Should I close the window?
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  • Летучий_Мыш
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    Modal verbs in English

    Пояснение: Modal verbs are a type of auxiliary verbs used to express possibility, necessity, permission, or ability. In the given sentences, modal verbs are used to convey different meanings.

    1. "Where is Sam?" - The use of "might" suggests the possibility that Sam is still playing football, while "may" suggests the possibility that he is already at home.
    2. "Jim is waiting for us, so we must hurry." - The use of "must" indicates necessity or obligation to hurry because Jim is waiting.
    3. "Shall I call you tomorrow?" - The use of "shall" is used to propose an action or offer. In this case, the speaker is offering to call the person the next day.
    4. "Children mustn"t play with matches." - The use of "mustn"t" indicates a prohibition or something that is not allowed. Children are not allowed to play with matches.
    5. "Her parents are so nice and understanding. She should appreciate them." - The use of "should" expresses a suggestion or recommendation. It suggests that she ought to appreciate her parents.
    6. "How could you treat your child in such a way?" - The use of "could" expresses past ability or possibility. It suggests surprise or disapproval at the way the child was treated.
    7. "He wanted to enter the house, but the door couldn"t open." - The use of "couldn"t" indicates inability or impossibility. It suggests that the door was unable to open.
    8. "I was so upset that I couldn"t say a word." - The use of "couldn"t" suggests inability or the impossibility of saying a word due to being extremely upset.
    9. "There isn"t much butter in the fridge, so you needn"t go to the shop." - The use of "needn"t" indicates lack of necessity. It suggests that there is no need for the person to go to the shop because there is not much butter.
    10. "It is rather cold in the room. Should I close the window?" - The use of "should" expresses a suggestion or recommendation. It suggests that closing the window would be a good idea to address the cold temperature in the room.


    - Местонахождение Сэма? - Он, возможно, все еще играет в футбол. Он может уже быть дома.
    - Джим ждет нас, поэтому мы должны поторопиться.
    - Я должен позвонить вам завтра?
    - Дети не должны играть с спичками.
    - Ее родители такие милые и понимающие. Она должна их ценить.
    - Как ты мог так обращаться со своим ребенком?
    - Он хотел войти в дом, но дверь не открывалась.
    - Я был так расстроен, что не смог произнести ни слова.
    - В холодильнике мало масла, поэтому тебе не нужно идти в магазин.
    - В комнате довольно холодно. Мне нужно закрыть окно?

    Совет: To better understand the usage of modal verbs, it is important to pay attention to the context and the specific meaning each verb conveys. Modal verbs often indicate different degrees of possibility, necessity, or obligation. Practice using modal verbs in various sentences to reinforce your understanding.

    Задание: Rewrite the following sentences using different modal verbs.

    1. I must finish my homework tonight.
    2. You don"t have to attend the meeting if you don"t want to.
    3. Could you please pass me the salt?
    4. We should arrive at the airport at least two hours before departure.
    5. I might go to the party if I finish my work early.
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