Questions and Verb Forms
Английский язык

1. Where did I park my car last night in my father s garage? (put the verb in brackets into the correct form

1. Where did I park my car last night in my father"s garage? (put the verb in brackets into the correct form)
2. How often do we clean our house? (put the verb in brackets into the correct form)
3. Who will examine the patients tomorrow? (put the verb in brackets into the correct form)
4. Who must examine the wound? (put the verb in brackets into the correct form)
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    English Grammar: Questions and Verb Forms

    Пояснение: In each of the given sentences, we need to select the correct form of the verb in the brackets to complete the sentence appropriately. Let"s analyze each sentence separately:

    1. Where did I park my car last night in my father"s garage?
    Answer: In this sentence, we use the past simple form of the verb "park." Since the subject "I" refers to oneself, we need to use the pronoun "did" as an auxiliary verb to make the question in the past simple tense.

    2. How often do we clean our house?
    Answer: In this sentence, we use the present simple form of the verb "clean." The question is about the frequency of the action, so we use the auxiliary verb "do" to form the question.

    3. Who will examine the patients tomorrow?
    Answer: In this sentence, we use the future simple form of the verb "examine." The question is about a future action, so we use the auxiliary verb "will" to form the question.

    4. Who must examine the wound?
    Answer: In this sentence, we use the present simple form of the verb "examine." The question is about an obligation or necessity, so we use the auxiliary verb "must" to form the question.

    1. Где я вчера вечером припарковал мою машину в гараже отца? (поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную форму)
    2. Как часто мы убираемся в нашем доме? (поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную форму)
    3. Кто будет обследовать пациентов завтра? (поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную форму)
    4. Кто должен осмотреть рану? (поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную форму)

    Совет: It is important to understand the context and tense of the question before selecting the correct verb form. Pay attention to the subject and the tense indicated in the question. Use the appropriate auxiliary verb to form the question in the desired tense.

    Ещё задача:
    Translate the following sentences into Russian and complete each question by selecting the right verb form:
    1. What time ___________ (you/leave) for school every day?
    2. When ___________ (she/buy) her new car?
    3. How often ___________ (they/practice) playing the piano?
    4. Why ___________ (he/like) to travel so much?
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