Английский язык

1. When Hilary was hired, she was introduced to important contacts in the industry by her manager, and before long

1. When Hilary was hired, she was introduced to important contacts in the industry by her manager, and before long, she was promoted to head of department.
2. The prices have been lowered by the shops for the sales. The difficulty is that my credit card has been cancelled by the credit card company, so nothing can be bought.
3. It has been said by Sally that a place on their Bachelor of Arts course has been offered to her by Harvard University but she has decided to reject it as she has been admitted by Radcliff too.
4. A novel was given to me by Lucy in which Monet"s Water Lilies were stolen by someone.
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  • Solnechnaya_Luna
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    Subject: Passive Voice in English

    In English, the passive voice is used to highlight the object of the action rather than the subject. It is formed using the auxiliary verb "to be" followed by the past participle of the main verb. The subject becomes the receiver of the action, and the doer of the action can be mentioned using the preposition "by" followed by the doer"s name.

    1. The sentence "When Hilary was hired, she was introduced to important contacts in the industry by her manager, and before long, she was promoted to head of department" is in the passive voice. It emphasizes the actions done to Hilary rather than who performed the actions. The sentence can be transformed into the active voice as "When Hilary"s manager hired her, he introduced her to important contacts in the industry, and before long, he promoted her to head of department."

    2. The second sentence "The prices have been lowered by the shops for the sales. The difficulty is that my credit card has been canceled by the credit card company, so nothing can be bought" also uses the passive voice. The focus is on the actions taken by the shops and the credit card company. In the active voice, the sentence would be "The shops have lowered the prices for the sales. The difficulty is that the credit card company has canceled my credit card, so I cannot buy anything."

    3. The third sentence "It has been said by Sally that a place on their Bachelor of Arts course has been offered to her by Harvard University but she has decided to reject it as she has been admitted by Radcliff too" uses the passive voice to shift the focus onto the actions performed by Harvard University and Radcliff. In the active voice, the sentence would be "Sally said that Harvard University offered her a place on their Bachelor of Arts course, but she decided to reject it as she has been admitted by Radcliff too."

    4. The final sentence "A novel was given to me by Lucy in which Monet"s Water Lilies were stolen" is again in the passive voice. It highlights the novel being given to the speaker rather than who gave it. The active voice version of the sentence would be "Lucy gave me a novel in which Monet"s Water Lilies were stolen."

    Преобразуйте предложения, используя активный залог:
    1. Когда Хилари была нанята, ее менеджер познакомил ее с важными контактами в отрасли, и вскоре она была повышена до руководителя отдела.
    2. Магазины снизили цены на распродажу. Проблема в том, что моя кредитная карта была отменена кредитной компанией, поэтому ничего купить невозможно.
    3. Салли заявила, что Гарвардский университет предложил ей место на их программе бакалавриата по искусству, но она решила отказаться, так как она была принята в Рэдклифф.
    4. Люси дала мне роман, в котором были украдены "Водяные лилии" Моне.

    Чтение и практика активного и пассивного залогов поможет вам лучше понять разницу между ними. Постарайтесь перевести предложения из пассивного залога в активный и наоборот, чтобы закрепить правила и разобраться в их использовании.

    Задача на проверку:
    Перепишите следующие предложения в активном залоге:
    1. The cake was baked by my grandmother.
    2. The book was written by J.K. Rowling.
    3. The letter was mailed by John yesterday.
    4. The house was built by a team of architects.
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