Lester Fisher
Английский язык

1. What was Lester Fisher doing at his office window to the street below? 2. How did Lester not realize that the girl

1. What was Lester Fisher doing at his office window to the street below?

2. How did Lester not realize that the girl was sitting in a wheelchair?

3. What was happening in the next room that I heard?

4. How did Derek avoid the confession by telling Alice one of his invariable jokes?

5. What did she do before looking at the tiny kitten under the table?
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  • Letayuschiy_Kosmonavt
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    Lester Fisher

    Описание: Lester Fisher was standing at his office window, looking down at the street below. He seemed to be observing something happening outside. From the text, it can be inferred that he was paying close attention to some activity or event that caught his interest.

    Демонстрация: Lester Fisher was engrossed in observing the lively street parade passing by his office window.

    Совет: To understand Lester Fisher"s actions, it is important to pay attention to the context of the story. Try to visualize the scene and imagine yourself in Lester"s position, observing something intriguing happening on the street.

    Задание: Imagine yourself as Lester Fisher. Describe what you would be looking at from your office window and explain why it captures your attention.
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