Английский язык

1) What was Eva doing when the light went off? 2) Did Peter make his bed yesterday? 3) Who was Alex speaking with when

1) What was Eva doing when the light went off?
2) Did Peter make his bed yesterday?
3) Who was Alex speaking with when someone knocked on the door?
4) When did Evelyn read that article?
5) What were you doing when your brother called?
6) Does Donna have a lot of friends?
7) When does Patrick want to go to the theatre?
8) What was Kylie doing when her sons returned home?
9) Did Laura wash all the plates yesterday after breakfast?
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  • Snezhok_2960
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    Суть вопроса: Временные формы английского языка - Past Continuous и Past Simple.

    Пояснение: В английском языке используются две временные формы, чтобы описать события, произошедшие в прошлом: Past Continuous (прошедшее продолженное время) и Past Simple (прошедшее простое время).

    Past Continuous используется, чтобы описать событие, которое происходило в определенный момент в прошлом. Оно образуется с помощью глагола "to be" в прошедшем времени и глагола с окончанием -ing. Например: "Eva was studying when the light went off" (Ева училась, когда свет погас).

    Past Simple используется для описания событий, которые произошли в прошлом и уже закончились. Оно образуется с помощью прошедшей формы глагола. Например: "Peter made his bed yesterday" (Питер заправил постель вчера).

    Дополнительный материал:
    1) What was Eva doing when the light went off? - Eva was studying when the light went off.
    2) Did Peter make his bed yesterday? - Yes, Peter made his bed yesterday.
    3) Who was Alex speaking with when someone knocked on the door? - Alex was speaking with his sister when someone knocked on the door.
    4) When did Evelyn read that article? - Evelyn read that article last week.
    5) What were you doing when your brother called? - I was watching TV when my brother called.
    6) Does Donna have a lot of friends? - Yes, Donna has a lot of friends.
    7) When does Patrick want to go to the theatre? - Patrick wants to go to the theatre tomorrow.
    8) What was Kylie doing when her sons returned home? - Kylie was cooking dinner when her sons returned home.
    9) Did Laura wash all the plates yesterday after breakfast? - Yes, Laura washed all the plates yesterday after breakfast.

    Совет: Для более легкого понимания разницы между Past Continuous и Past Simple, обратите внимание на цель и продолжительность действий. Past Continuous описывает действие, которое происходило в момент прошлого времени, когда произошло другое действие. Past Simple описывает действие, которое уже завершилось в прошлом.

    Задача для проверки: Заполните пропуски, используя Past Continuous или Past Simple:
    1) I ______________ (read) a book when she called.
    2) They ______________ (play) football when it started raining.
    3) Sandra ______________ (write) a letter while Tom was cooking.
    4) We ______________ (visit) our grandparents last weekend.
    5) He ______________ (watch) a movie when the power went out.
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