Английский язык

1) What should you do to complete the texts after matching the opposites? 2) Provide an example of making

1) What should you do to complete the texts after matching the opposites?
2) Provide an example of making a cap sentence and write a cap sentence using the words "read" and "think".
3) Name a dangerous and fast mode of transportation.
4) Name an opposite of "fast" for a bike and a motorbike.
5) Name an opposite of "safe" for a scooter and a car.
6) Name an opposite of "slow" for a minibus and a tram.
7) Name an opposite of "noisy" for a plane and a hot-air balloon.
8) Name an opposite of "cheap" for a train and a plane.
9) How would you describe the speed comparison between a helicopter and a bike?
10) Can a helicopter fly all the time?
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    Matching the Opposites:
    Разъяснение: To complete the texts after matching the opposites, you need to understand the concept of opposites or antonyms. Opposites are words that have contrasting meanings. When you match the opposites, you need to find the word that is the opposite of the given word or phrase. Once the opposites are matched, you can use them to complete the texts by inserting the correct antonym in the appropriate place.

    Text: The cat is sleeping. The dog is ________.
    Matching Opposites: Sleeping - Awake
    Completed Text: The cat is sleeping. The dog is awake.

    Совет: When matching opposites, it is important to pay attention to the context of the text. Understanding the meaning of the given word or phrase will help you identify its opposite. You can also use a dictionary or online resources to find the antonyms of the given words.

    Дополнительное задание: Match the following opposites and complete the given texts:
    1) Happy - ______
    2) Big - _______
    3) Cold - _______
    4) Tall - ________
    5) Old - ________

    Cap Sentence:
    Разъяснение: A cap sentence is a sentence that starts with a capital letter and ends with a punctuation mark, usually a period. It is a simple sentence that conveys a complete thought or idea. To create a cap sentence, you need to choose words that make sense together and form a grammatically correct sentence.

    Cap Sentence: Read and think about the story.

    Совет: When creating a cap sentence, it is important to use proper grammar and punctuation. Pay attention to subject-verb agreement and word order. It"s helpful to read the sentence aloud to check for clarity and coherence.

    Дополнительное задание: Create a cap sentence using the words "read" and "think".

    Dangerous and Fast Mode of Transportation:
    Разъяснение: A dangerous and fast mode of transportation is a means of traveling that poses a high risk and allows for rapid movement. One example of such a mode of transportation is a race car. Race cars are designed for speed and can reach high velocities, but they are also potentially dangerous due to the high speeds involved.

    Opposite of "Fast" for a Bike and a Motorbike:
    Разъяснение: The opposite of "fast" for a bike would be "slow." Bicycles, being human-powered, have a limited speed range compared to motorized vehicles. Similarly, the opposite of "fast" for a motorbike would also be "slow" in the context of comparing it to a higher performance motorbike.

    Opposite of "Safe" for a Scooter and a Car:
    Разъяснение: The opposite of "safe" for a scooter would be "unsafe." Scooters are generally smaller and offer less protection compared to cars, making them less safe in the event of an accident. Similarly, for a car, the opposite of "safe" would be "unsafe."

    Opposite of "Slow" for a Minibus and a Tram:
    Разъяснение: The opposite of "slow" for a minibus and a tram would be "fast." Compared to other modes of transportation, minibuses and trams tend to move at a slower speed. Therefore, "fast" can be considered as the opposite.

    Opposite of "Noisy" for a Plane and a Hot-air Balloon:
    Разъяснение: The opposite of "noisy" for a plane and a hot-air balloon would be "quiet." Planes are typically loud due to the engines, while hot-air balloons are much quieter as they rely on wind currents for movement.

    Opposite of "Cheap" for a Train and a Plane:
    Разъяснение: The opposite of "cheap" for a train and a plane would be "expensive." Trains are often considered a more affordable mode of transportation compared to planes, which can be quite costly due to factors like fuel, maintenance, and other operational expenses.

    Description of Speed Comparison Between a Helicopter and a Car:
    Разъяснение: When describing the speed comparison between a helicopter and a car, you can say that a helicopter is faster than a car. Helicopters have the ability to hover and fly vertically, allowing them to travel at higher speeds and maneuver more quickly compared to cars, which are limited to roads and land-based travel.
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