1. What is the term for the connection between the upper leg and the lower leg in humans? 2. What is the name
1. What is the term for the connection between the upper leg and the lower leg in humans?
2. What is the name of the body"s organ that allows people and animals to hear?
3. What is the term for the area of the body that is located between the head and the shoulders?
4. What is the name for the solid, white, bony structures found in the mouth?
5. How would you describe the furthest part of the arm?
6. What is the name for the area of the face that serves as the pathway for air to enter and exit?
7. What are the individual parts at the end of the hand called?
8. How would you refer to the thin parts at the end of the foot?
9. How would you describe the area of the human body where the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth are located?
10. What is the term for the front part of the leg that is situated below the knee?
11. How would you describe one of the long, thin, moveable parts at the end of the foot?
02.12.2023 14:14
Демонстрация: Найдите в анатомическом учебнике информацию о строении и функциях коленного сустава. Опишите основные составляющие этого соединения и объясните, как оно обеспечивает подвижность и стабильность ноги.
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Упражнение: Какие структуры образуют коленный сустав? Опишите их функции.