Родственные отношения
Английский язык

1. What is the relationship between his aunt s son and him? 2. Who is your father s father? 3. Who is my sister

1. What is the relationship between his aunt"s son and him?
2. Who is your father"s father?
3. Who is my sister"s son to me?
4. How is my sister"s daughter related to me?
5. What is the relationship between my mother and her brother to me?
6. How are your mother and her sister related?
7. Who is your uncle"s daughter to you?
8. How is your mother"s mother related to you?
9. What is the relationship between your brother"s wife and you?
10. How is your sister"s husband related to you?

XIII. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of "am, is, are" and "an English student" for the first sentence, and "George Brown" for the second sentence:
1. I ________.
2. His name ________.
3. Mr. and Mrs. Brown ________ his father and mother.
4. My brother"s name ________, and my sisters" names ________ Betty and Rose.
5. We ________ members of one family.
Верные ответы (1):
  • Zolotoy_Drakon
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    Суть вопроса: Родственные отношения

    Объяснение: Родственные отношения - это связи и связи между членами семьи. Вот подробные ответы на каждый вопрос:

    1. His aunt"s son is his cousin.
    2. Your father"s father is your grandfather.
    3. Your sister"s son is your nephew.
    4. Your sister"s daughter is your niece.
    5. Your mother"s brother is your uncle.
    6. Your mother and her sister are sisters.
    7. Your uncle"s daughter is your cousin.
    8. Your mother"s mother is your grandmother.
    9. Your brother"s wife is your sister-in-law.
    10. Your sister"s husband is your brother-in-law.

    Совет: Чтобы лучше запомнить родственные отношения, полезно нарисовать генеалогическое древо своей семьи и обращаться к нему время от времени. Также можно общаться со своими близкими родственниками, задавать им вопросы и узнавать больше о своей семье.

    Практика: Как называется ребенок вашей тети?
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