1. What is the reason behind referring to the last half of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century
1. What is the reason behind referring to the last half of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century as the era of Shakespeare?
2. When was Shakespeare born?
3. Did he reside in Stratford-on-Avon until the age of twenty-one, and what caused him to leave?
4. What was Shakespeare"s initial occupation in London?
5. What prompted the acting company to construct a new theater?
6. In what manner did Shakespeare"s Globe differ from modern theaters?
7. What is the total number of plays written by Shakespeare?
8. Have you ever read any of his plays?
9. What occurred to the Globe theater?
10. At what point in time did the Globe theater meet its end?
25.11.2023 05:34
Объяснение: The period from the last half of the 16th century to the beginning of the 17th century is commonly referred to as the era of Shakespeare because it was during this time that William Shakespeare, one of the greatest playwrights in history, lived and produced his notable works. Shakespeare"s plays and poetry are regarded as iconic and have greatly influenced literature and theater. His works explore various themes such as love, ambition, revenge, and the human condition, making him a significant figure in English literature.
Пример: Discuss the reasons why the era of Shakespeare is named as such and its significance in the realm of literature and theater.
Совет: To understand the era of Shakespeare better, read some of his plays or explore summaries and analysis of his works. This will provide insights into his writing style, themes, and the historical context in which he lived. Additionally, researching about the Elizabethan era, the theater scene in Shakespeare"s time, and the Renaissance period can give you a broader understanding of the cultural and social backdrop during that era.
Дополнительное упражнение: Describe the impact of Shakespeare"s works on literature and theater during his time and in the present day.
Описание: А эра Шекспира, так же известная как "Золотой век английской литературы", относится к последней половине 16 века и началу 17 века. Эта эпоха получила такое название благодаря значительному вкладу Уильяма Шекспира, который является одним из самых известных и влиятельных драматургов в мире. Шекспир написал множество пьес, которые были поистине выдающимися произведениями искусства.
Дополнительный материал: Выучите отрывок из пьесы Шекспира и объясните, почему его эпоху называют "Эрой Шекспира".
Совет: Для лучшего понимания эры Шекспира, рекомендуется прочитать и изучить некоторые из его наиболее известных пьес, такие как "Гамлет", "Ромео и Джульетта" и "Макбет". Чтение и анализ этих произведений поможет вам понять важность и влияние Шекспира на мир драматургии.
Проверочное упражнение: Какие из произведений Шекспира вы читали или смотрели на сцене? Почему вам понравились эти пьесы?