Английский язык

1. What are we doing in the garden? 2. What am I doing with my homework? 3. Is dad painting the living-room? 4. What

1. What are we doing in the garden?
2. What am I doing with my homework?
3. Is dad painting the living-room?
4. What is he doing? (alternative phrasing: What is he currently engaged in?)
5. What are the girls doing with their dolls?
6. Is John studying at university?
7. What are Helen and I doing? (alternative phrasing: What are Helen and I currently occupied with?)
8. Are you listening to the radio?
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  • Даниил
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    Present Continuous Tense:
    Пояснение: Present Continuous Tense, also known as the Present Progressive Tense, is used to describe actions that are happening at the moment of speaking or that are in progress. In Russian, it is known as "настоящее продолженное время." To form the Present Continuous Tense, we use the verb "to be" in the present tense followed by the main verb in the present participle form ("-ing" form). The structure is as follows:
    Subject + am/are/is + Verb (ending in -ing)

    1. В саду мы делаем работу по даче. (What are we doing in the garden?)
    2. Что я делаю со своими домашними заданиями? (What am I doing with my homework?)
    3. Папа покрашивает гостиную? (Is dad painting the living-room?)
    4. Что он делает? (alternative phrasing: Во что он в данный момент занят?) (What is he doing? (What is he currently engaged in?))
    5. Что делают девочки со своими куклами? (What are the girls doing with their dolls?)
    6. Джон учится в университете? (Is John studying at university?)
    7. Что мы делаем с Хелен? (alternative phrasing: Чем мы в данный момент заняты с Хелен?) (What are Helen and I doing? (What are Helen and I currently occupied with?))
    8. Ты слушаешь радио? (Are you listening to the radio?)

    Совет: When using the Present Continuous Tense, it is important to keep in mind that it is used for temporary actions and activities that are happening around the time of speaking. It is also commonly used to talk about future plans and arrangements. To understand and learn the Present Continuous Tense more easily, it is recommended to practice using it in various sentences and situations.

    Закрепляющее упражнение: Rearrange the following sentences into Present Continuous Tense:
    1. Я учусь в школе.
    2. Мы играем в футбол сейчас.
    3. Он готовит обед.
    4. Ты читаешь книгу.
    5. Они смотрят телевизор.
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